Ch 29

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The officer on duty at the police station was the same one as before. He let the bloodied black-clothed man clean up his face and then helped him apply bandages.

“The man who’s been following you is named Ren Qiang. He has a previous record of molesting (or indecent exposure to?) females.” The officer explained to Pei Ying, “According to him, he simply saw you in passing and didn’t know you were a celebrity at first. He just felt you were very pretty and came up with some bad intentions. He was a bit scared off when you reported him before, so he disappeared. Then, when he saw news about you on Weibo, he couldn’t help himself.”

Mr Paparazzi couldn’t take it anymore. “People like this who don’t know how to repent should be heavily punished! Send him to prison!”

The officer glanced at him. “We’ll handle it according to the law. But you did a number on the guy as well, putting such a big hole into his head.”

Hearing this, Mr Paparazzi quickly quipped up in his own defense, “Officer, you didn’t see what was happening! The sky was dark, and Ms Pei was shouting for help and struggling, but the man just wouldn’t let go! It was urgent. I was thinking too deeply about anything and I just ended up raising my camera!”

The officer waved away his explanation and told him to sit down. “Don’t worry, I’m not trying to blame you for anything. I just feel sorry for your camera.”

Paparazzi, “….”

His heart was aching as well. qwq

Seeing the paparazzi’s nearly crying face, the officer chuckled. “Who’d have thought celebrities and paparazzi were such good friends?!”

Mr Paparazzi responded very firmly, “Officer, what you’re saying isn’t right. Although my profession is a paparazzi, I am also an unyielding man! A man was violently attacking a woman in the middle of the night. How could I ignore it?!”

The officer laughed and said, “Mm, of course you should help. Thank you for your courage in the face of justice. If there were more men like yourself, perhaps we would have fewer tragedies in this world.”

Mr Paparazzi proudly raised his head. “Oh, right, my camera still has a lot of photos in it!” As he spoke, he pulled out the memory card from his camera. Though his camera was pretty wrecked, the memory card should still be okay.

The officer said, “Leave the memory card here for evidence.” Then he turned to Pei Ying. “Ms Pei, you must have had quite a scare. Did you get hurt?”

Pei Ying shook her head. “No. I was pretty scared at the time, but I’m alright now.”

“That’s good. There are no problems with the report here. Please sign, and then head home and rest.”

After Pei Ying and the paparazzi both signed their reports, they left the police station together. Mr Paparazzi’s camera was left behind, as evidence, which Pei Ying a bit apologetic about. She told him, “Thank you for today. I’ll buy you a new camera to replace yours.”

“No need, no need. The manager can put in a reimbursement claim!” Mr Paparazzi said, shaking his head. “But you should be more careful from now on. Who knows how long that guy will be locked up for. Or what if he just gets released?”

Pei Ying responded, “It’s alright. I’m moving soon.”

“Moving?” The paparazzi blinked rapidly. “Have you made up with CEO Song?” A slip of the tongue and he’ll have another headline piece. Good deeds really do get repaid! Oh yeah!

“My manager found me a new apartment compound to live in, since this area isn’t that safe.”

“Oh…” And his big news ran off just like that. Mr Paparazzi was pretty upset.

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