Ch 39

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Pei Xiuran sat on the sofa in the living room, the two bodyguards standing behind him, straight as pillars.

On the wall across from him, there hung a minimalist clock. As it went tick tock tick tock, Pei Xiuran started to feel like he was sitting in an exam room.

He stared at the multiple choice question in front of him, and after five minutes, he finally randomly chose option C. Somewhat irritated, he put down his pen and picked up his phone to call Pei Ying.


Hearing a stranger’s voice on the other end of the phone, Pei Xiuran frowned. He asked, “Who is this? I’m looking for Pei Ying.”

“I’m Pei Ying’s assistant. She’s currently working and cannot answer the phone. I can take a message for you if you’d like.”

“Is there any point in telling you?” Pei Xiuran grew more irritated. “I need to find Pei Ying. I’m her younger brother.”

The assistant persisted, “I’m sorry, but Pei Ying really can’t answer the phone right now. Why don’t you call back later?”

“I need to find her right now!”

“I’m sorry, Ms Pei cannot answer the phone right now.”

“…Are you a robot?!” Pei Xiuran frowned and hung up.

He stood up from the sofa and the bodyguards behind him immediately moved to follow. Pei Xiuran turned and glared at them, but the two men seemed not to have noticed, as they continued to follow him, step by step.

Pei Xiuran quickly walked around the living room once, and then he pulled out his cellphone again. He called his mother.

“Xiuran ah, where are you going to play today?” Mama Pei answered quickly and asked her son happily.

Pei Xiuran said, “Play? Sis locked me up in the house to study!”

“Ah? How can she lock you up inside? Don’t worry, I’ll give her a call.”

“She’s working. She won’t even pick up my calls!”

“What about your brother-in-law then?”

“He went to work too! I’m the only one at home, and I haven’t even had lunch yet!”

“Okay, okay, I got it. I’ll give Xiujuan a call. Wait a minute.” After she finished speaking, Mama Pei hung up and called Pei Ying. Of course, the one to answer the phone was still Pei Ying’s assistant.


Mama Pei was taken aback for a moment. She said to the person on the other end of the line, “Who are you? I’m looking for Pei Xiujuan.”

The assistant responded, “Hello, I’m Ms Pei’s assistant. She’s currently working and cannot answer the phone. If you have something to tell her, you can leave a message with me.”

Mama Pei shouted angrily, “Tell her to answer the phone right now!”

“I’m sorry, Ms Pei currently cannot answer the phone.”

“What do you mean she can’t answer? Can’t she take a break when she’s working? Put her on the phone now. I’m her mother!”

“I’m sorry, even if you’re her mother, I can’t do anything about it.”


Before Mama Pei could react, the assistant said, “Since you don’t want to leave a message, then I’ll be hanging up. Goodbye.”

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