Ch 57

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After their vacation concluded, Pei Ying was pulled back to work with the tense filming crew. Back in A City, Mo Zhen’s manager had returned as his assistant. Seeing that round-faced manager moving around at his every beck and call, Pei Ying felt a bit sorry for him.

Mo Zhen’s manager was a top agent at KaiHuang, but on the filming set, he was like a nanny…

After filming a scene where they hid a corpse, the director called cut. The walk-on playing the corpse sat up from the ground, his face covered in fake blood.

“Pei Ying, I’m a fan of yours! Can you give me an autograph?”

He suddenly appeared right beside Pei Ying, startling her slightly. She smiled at him and said, “Sure. But do you want to clean off the blood first?”

“It’s okay. I’ll wash it off by myself later.” The walk-on was anxiously fumbling at her side, as if wanting to pull out something for Pei Ying to sign. “Just sign on me. These are my clothes, so I won’t wash it!”

Pei Ying got a pen from her assistant, and then she signed her name onto his shirt. And for some reason, she suddenly recalled the taxi driver she’d given an autograph to when she was starting out. At the time, he’d also had her sign on a piece of clothing. She wondered how he was doing now.

After signing her name, the walk-on gave a whistle. He looked up excitedly at Pei Ying and said, “Thank you! I’ll be sure to treasure it!”

Pei Ying laughed. Perhaps his enthusiasm was infecting her, because for some reason, she started chatting to him. “Do you often wait for filming crews to call?”

“I usually hang around the film district, and when I see a filming crew around, I go over to see if I can get a walk-on role. I came to A City especially for The Performer! The crew on this project is really on fire, so I even had to fight for a walk-on! Even though it’s only a walk-on, I’m still really happy just making an appearance in this film!”

A walk-on’s character might not have a name, and they might not even be credited in the film. They worked hard all day long just for a few seconds’ appearance. But still, they carried passion and chased after their dreams, putting their efforts into making a good performance.

This walk-on reminded Pei Ying of herself in the past. She smiled and said to him, “I used to run around for walk-ons in the past too. Oh yeah, I also acted as a corpse before, but my face didn’t even appear for a single second. Jiayou! Take the time now to hone your craft, and you will definitely have the chance to let more people recognize you.”

Pei Ying’s encouraging words nearly moved the walk-on to tears. “Ah ah… Pei Pei, you really are my goddess! Thank you! I’ll work hard! When I become famous, I hope to be able to work with you!”

“Sure. I await that day.”

As they were speaking, an uproar suddenly overcame the set. Pei Ying turned to see the cause of it all, and she saw Teacher Xing Xin and a woman she didn’t recognize walking over.

The director said a few words to them, and then clapped his hands to capture everyone’s attentions. “Teacher Xing Xin is here to check up on things. And this is his wife. Everyone knows that Teacher Xing Xin just got married on National Day, right?”

Pei Ying’s eyes widened in surprise. W…wife?!

Teacher Xing Xin’s wife was obviously an Emperor Mo fan. When she saw Mo Zhen walk past, her eyes shined, and she passionately went to greet him and offered him some wedding candy.

Teacher Xing Xin followed along after her, his expression rather bleak. But fortunately, his newly wed wife wasn’t only concerned about chatting with Mo Zhen. After the two said goodbye, she moved on to distribute candy to the rest of the crew.

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