Ch 42

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After hearing Song Nanchuan, Pei Ying muttered, “Actually, I have an idea about the instigator of the car accident. We shouldn’t talk about it here. Let me change, and then we’ll talk in the car.”

It was then that Song Nanchuan noticed the red, embroidered qipao that Pei Ying was wearing. Those straight legs could really make a person’s blood rush.

“Why are you wearing that?” he asked, his brows raised up as his eyes lingered on her legs.

Pei Ying said, “They had us change for the audition. I’ll go change now.”

“Don’t change. You look really nice.”

“….” Pei Ying didn’t even have to look at him to know that he was thinking about something perverted again. She quickly turned around and said, “I’m going to change.”

Song Nanchuan watched her tall figure walk away and he thought that he ought to find a tailor to make her a qipao. The slit should be higher, and the top should reveal a bit more.

As he imagined it, he started to get excited.

After Pei Ying changed, she re-did her makeup. Then she grabbed her bag and copy of The Performer and headed back out.

The audition hadn’t finished yet, and when Pei Ying went to ask about it, she found out that Xie Han was the only actress remaining.

“Aren’t we going?” Song Nanchuan asked her.

Pei Ying responded, “I want to wait for Teacher Xing Xin to come out so that I can get his autograph.” Pei Ying held up her book and glanced at Song Nanchuan.

Song Nanchuan, “….”

They waited a bit outside of the audition room, and then the door to the room swung open. The director was the first to exit. When he saw Pei Ying, he asked curiously, “Ms Pei, you haven’t left yet?”

Pei Ying gave an embarrassed smile. “I was waiting for Teacher Xing Xin, to ask if he could sign my book.”

The director looked at the book in her hand and smiled. “So Ms Pei is one of Teacher Xing Xin’s loyal readers? No wonder you did such a good job embodying the character earlier.”

Hearing the director’s praises, Pei Ying overflowed with joy. “Thank you, Director.”

“No need.” As he spoke, Xing Xin walked out of the room. The director turned to him and chuckled. “Xing Xin, you’re just in time. There’s a reader of yours here, waiting for an autograph.”

Xing Xin turned to look at Pei Ying, and then his eyes landed on the book in her hands.

When she saw Xing Xin look at the book, Pei Ying held it up. “Teacher Xing Xin, can I get an autograph?”

Xing Xin took the book and nodded. He asked, “Do you have a pen?”

Pei Ying quickly turned to Song Nanchuan. “Pen?!”

Song Nanchuan, “….”

A grand CEO like himself had actually become someone’s secretary?

From behind him, Xiao Zhang quietly held out a pen to Xing Xin. Xing Xin deftly signed his name on the cover page, and then he returned the pen and book to Pei Ying. Pei Ying looked at the not-yet-dry Xing Xin characters on the page and her lips curved into a smile. “Thank you. I’m a faithful reader. I bought a copy of your newest book, Death Message, as well!”

Just as she said that, Xie Han and the Universe organizer exited the audition room. She glanced at the book in Pei Ying’s hand and laughed. “Do you get bonus points for being one of Xing Xin’s fans?”

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