Ch 34

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The day after Song Nanchuan and Pei Ying made up, episode five of their Weibo series went up.

“Pei Ying and Song Nanchuan suspected to have recovered affections! CEO Song saved the beauty from the pool, bursting with boyfriend power!”

It was uncertain how these pervasive paparazzi made their way into Universe’s party, but there were even photographs accompanying the story–Song Nanchuan jumping into the pool to save Pei Ying, and even him taking off his suit jacket to drape over Pei Ying and then carrying her out of the area.

The netizens who’d been following this series exploded.

“Goodness, the beauty falls into the water! 50 cents says that Song Nanchuan couldn’t stop himself!* (doge)”

“CEO Song is so petty! He covered her up so well that we can’t see a thing (picks nose)”

“Princess hug!! Oh my god, Song Nanchuan’s boyfriend power is totally maxed out!”

“From a visual assessment, Song Nanchuan’s suit and watch are extremely expensive. And he just jumped into the water like that (smile) My respects, you are a true man (smile)”

“So they made up again (bye) Quarrels where the purpose isn’t to breakup are just signs of affection (bye)”

“To be honest, the beauty here is just in defiance of the natural order. From the melon-eating crowd.”

“Looks like CEO Song appreciating beauty is a normal thing (laughing to tears)”

Pei Ying’s Weibo was full of fans’ consolations, but she was too busy filming to check it out. After they wrapped that evening, Song Nanchuan headed over to pick her up. Since they’d reconciled, he seriously insisted that she move back into his house.

Pei Ying let her assistant go home and then she got into Song Nanchuan’s car. The driver first headed to Pei Ying’s apartment so they could move her things. Song Nanchuan held up an exquisite looking box of food. “Do you want to eat?”

“Yes!” Pei Ying happily took the box of food from his hands. She opened the box to find some food that’s often cooked at home. “You can tell at a glance that this is from the restaurant. What kind of home-cooked meal looks this fancy?”

She picked up the chopsticks and brought a piece of meat to her mouth. Song Nanchuan watched her eat with such pleasure, so he laughed and asked, “Don’t they feed you on set? I recall the Universe meals as being pretty good.”

Pei Ying responded, “We only get two meal boxes a day. How’s that enough to make you full?”

“Well, aren’t you afraid of gaining weight eating this late? Speaking of, aren’t you always eating meat for your drama?”

Pei Ying choked. “I’m not worried. I have so much work now, and besides, I don’t gain weight easily.” She glanced over at Song Nanchuan. “Since you said that though, are you particularly worried that I’ll gain weight?”

“Not at all. Who knows, a bit of weight might make you feel better in my hands.”

Pei Ying’s lip twitched. If not for the fact that she couldn’t bear wasting food, she’d have smacked the food in her hands onto his face.

When she finished off the rest of the food, the driver had arrived at her apartment compound. Song Nanchuan followed her up and helped pack away her things. He said, “You should have Chen Sheng release your apartment.”

“No.” Pei Ying was crouched on the ground, zippering up her suitcase. She stood up and saw Song Nanchuan’s brows twitch. He looked at her and asked, “Why not? You’re paying the rent for it, aren’t you?”

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