Ch 35

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To sum up Pei Ying’s current daily life, she spent each day filming for her drama and indulging in the company of a handsome man.

Mm, and she was also eating meat. Real meat.

She was filming another eating scene that day, and it was high-grade steak that the hero had cooked for the heroine. The steak was specially prepared by the head chef of one of the Yu’s restaurant branches. Per the rules of the universe, Pei Ying first took a photo of the meal and posted it to Weibo. (Note: I just noticed that Universe Pictures and the restaurant group are both headed by families surnamed Yu, but to clarify, they are different groups.)

As usual, there came a wave of envious commenters, who were especially proactive.

“Ever since she started filming Season of Love, my Pei has turned into a food blogger :)”

“I have to see photos of you eating meat on Weibo every day, and then I have to watch the scene again later on TV. So tiring (bye)”

“Your good friend, Pei Ying plus, is coming soon. (smile)”

“I decided to have steak for dinner. (smile)”

“It’s true that Universe’s props are known for being good, but I’ve never seen you so obsessed with blogging (bye) Hope you get fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat.”

“Pei Pei, does your drama still need help? qaq For a role that gets to eat meat qaq”

Pei Ying wasn’t done after her Weibo post though. She even went and sent Song Nanchuan a photo.

[Ying Ying] What are you up to? I’m eating meat  (photo)

Song Nanchuan, “….”

He swiped through his photo album and then sent a picture to Pei ying.

[Bastard Song] I have meat to eat too (photo)

Pei Ying looked at the photo he sent and her face immediately went dark. He’d sent her a photo of herself sleeping in bed.

[Ying Ying] When did you take that?! (angry)

[Bastard Song] Two nights ago?

[Ying Ying] Delete it. (smile)

[Bastard Song] No, this is for my personal collection. (smile)

Pei Ying, “….”


After filming ended that day, Song Nanchuan came to pick her up. He’d already looked over the filming schedule for the series, so as he helped Pei Ying put on her seatbelt, he asked her, “You’re not filming tomorrow, right?”

“Mm.” The cast and crew only had about one in ten days off, so Pei Ying was planning on sleeping in all day and resting.

Song Nanchuan nodded and then said, “Then I won’t go to work tomorrow either.”

“…As the CEO, can you act so carelessly?”

“It’s because I’m the CEO that I can act as I’d like.” Song Nanchuan raised his brow and looked at Pei Ying. “Since you’re off tomorrow, I’ll teach you how to swim.”

Pei Ying’s eyebrows jumped up. “When did I ever say that I wanted to learn how to swim?”

“Swimming is a fundamental life skill; of course you should learn it. Or did you want to try sinking again?”

“No, I’m not going anywhere near the water.” Pei Ying smiled.

“But it’s almost summer now, so there will surely be lots of pool parties. If you get invited, are you planning on just skipping out?”

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