Ch 43

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Hearing Ren Shanshan say that, Pei Ying laughed. “CEO Song is lively enough on his own.”

Ren Shanshan, “….”

She took a moment before realizing the dirty comment that Pei Ying had just made. “It really is different when you have a man, but you don’t have to show off that much…”

“….” Pei Ying’s face reddened as she stumbled to say, “N-no. I was just… making a comment.”

Ren Shanshan, “….”

Okay, your man is full of energy, I get it!

In the end, Ren Shanshan convinced Pei Ying to buy the slip. When she got home, she headed to the bathroom to try it on. But when she took a look in the mirror, her embarrassment made her quickly change out of it.

How could there exist such a disgraceful and shameful nightgown!

She changed into some normal sleepwear and then checked the time. Nearly 6. Song Nanchuan said that he had some things to take care of so he might get home late. When he left work, he’d call someone to send some food over and they could have dinner together when he got back.

It was rare for Pei Ying to have such a leisurely day, so she sat down in front of the computer to browse the net. When she logged into Weibo, she found that things had blown up again.

Several media and marketing accounts had reblogged an article titled “Xie Han stops Pei Ying from auditioning, intentionally creates car accident.” The searches were also dominated by “Xie Han creates car accident.”

Pei Ying was taken aback. How did the media know about this? Did Song Nanchuan tip them off? If that were the case, then he should have already gotten confirmation that Xie Han was behind everything.

“On the way to the audition for the role of Zhao Yue in The Performer, a black car crashed into Pei Ying’s van twice. The situation was stopped by her bodyguards. From the license plate that the bodyguards took down, the police were able to track down the instigator behind the scenes—the actress auditioning for the same role in The Performer, Xie Han! Presently, Xie Han has been taken in for questioning. To stay updated with more information, please keep following us!”

Pei Ying read over the report and then her eyes dropped a tiny bit. Celebrities lived under the inspections of the public. Any little misdeed would be magnified. And in this case, Xie Han had engaged in illegal activity, so it would be very hard for her to turn things around.

Although she’d previously worked together with Xie Han, she didn’t pity her one bit. When you do wrong, it’s only natural for you to accept the consequences. If her bodyguards hadn’t been as timely, she really might have missed the audition.

After this news went out, Pei Ying’s follower count skyrocketed. They all went to leave condemning messages on Xie Han’s page, and even other passersby left a scolding comment or two.

Xie Han had been in the industry for years, so she’d accumulated a number of fans as well. A group of those fans latched onto part of the bodyguard’s story and suspected that Pei Ying was intentionally slandering Xie Han. Some of her other fans calmly responded that they wouldn’t believe these media reports until the police reports came out.

Pei Ying also received a great number of comments. Most of them were from fans and everyone was pretty stirred up. She looked through some of the comments and decided to post an official statement to calm them down.

[Pei Ying] (Official)
Sorry to make everyone worry. This car accident did cause me a great deal of fright, but thankfully I was only left with minor scratches. I was able to participate in the audition for The Performer without any further problems. Please rest assured. (cute) We filed a police report right after the incident and an investigation is currently under way. I’ll continue to watch for developments, but I’m sure that they will be able to give me a satisfactory conclusion. Thank you. (cute)

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