Ch 27

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At the same time, Pei Ying also saw the reports of her breakup with Song Nanchuan on Ren Shanshan’s computer.

After her night of drinking with Ren Shanshan, neither of the girls was able to get up in the morning. Ren Shanshan had finally pulled herself up and headed off to her studio, but Pei Ying didn’t want to move, so she stayed at home and went online.

Unexpectedly, she found herself on the front page with Song Nanchuan once again.

Those paparazzi wrote about their breakup with the certainty of an eyewitness. Pei Ying frowned when she saw the headline. Were she and Song Nanchuan officially broken up? They’d left things rather up in the air, so she wasn’t even sure herself about that.

The comments on Weibo were also pretty sensational. Most commenters were reveling in the unfortunate news, and a lot of them said they knew it would turn out as such. There were also some fans who sent her private messages of encouragement and comfort. And Pei Ying felt a tiny glimmer of warmth.

She hadn’t responded to anything on Weibo. Instead, she went to eat breakfast, and when she returned, she found the entire article had already been deleted.

Was it Song Nanchuan’s doing? She considered it for a moment before exiting Weibo and turning off the computer.

When she left Song Nanchuan’s house the previous day, she’d only grabbed her purse, which meant all her clothes and belongings were still at his place. This wasn’t the time to head back there and pick those things up though. Thankfully, when she moved her things there, she’d only brought half of her possessions, so she still had some things at her old apartment.

She thought about it. She couldn’t stay at Ren Shanshan’s forever, and the guy that was following her before was probably gone by now. There shouldn’t be a problem with her heading home now, right?

Mm. Pei Ying picked up her phone and sent a text to Chen Sheng. “GM Chen, can you help me find a new apartment? My current place isn’t very safe, so I’d like to move somewhere else.”

Chen Sheng replied very quickly. “Sure. I helped Tao Tao with her place. What do you think about getting an apartment in the same area?”

Pei Ying had been to Tao Tao’s apartment before. The rent there was double the amount that she paid now, but she didn’t really have many options now. It would definitely be faster for Chen Sheng to help her find a new place than for her to do it alone.

She clenched her teeth and responded, “Sure. Thank you.”

[Chen Sheng] Great. I’ll contact you after it’s taken care of.

Pei Ying had just put away her phone when Chen Sheng sent another message. “Did you and Song Nanchuan really break up?”

Pei Ying, “….”

She thought about it for a moment, but decided not to mention Song Nanchuan taking her out of the movie. “We had a fight yesterday.”

[Chen Sheng] Hey, what kind of couple doesn’t fight? If there’s a problem, you have to resolve it well. After everyone cools down, things will be fine.

[Pei Ying] Mm… Thank you for the concern, GM Chen.

[Chen Sheng] No problem. I’ll look out for an apartment for you then.

[Pei Ying] Thank you.

After taking care of her housing dilemma, Pei Ying felt a weight lifted off her. But before she found a new place, she decided to stay at her old apartment, and simultaneously pack up her things.

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