Ch 55

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Song Nanchuan’s temperament remained cold on the way to the airport. When they got to the airport, he simply pulled out his tablet to read the news.

Pei Ying looked at his continually chilly manner and pursed her lips. She pulled out her phone to check out Weibo.

Weibo had already exploded with their news. Fans and antifans alike were passionately discussing her visit to the Song family. Pei Ying was bored, so she enjoyed reading through the comments. Across from her, Song Nanchuan glanced over and then continued browsing the news.

Not long after, he received a text from his second brother. “Lao San, why did you leave without a word?” (t/n: Just like Brother Two is called Lao Er, or “old two,” being the third brother, Song Nanchuan is called Lao San, or “old three.”)

Song Nanchuan dismissed the notification, having no intention of speaking to him.

Brother Two sent another text. “I already heard from Dad about what happened last night. I really didn’t expect things to turn out that way. Don’t me mad.”

Song Nanchuan’s raised his brow, finally unable to help responding. “You didn’t expect things to turn out that way? The way I see it, your actions were intentional. Just admit that you had evil intentions.”

[Second Brother] Evil intentions? Don’t talk like I’m some kind of creep.

[Song Nanchuan] Aren’t you, though? When it comes to getting girls drunk, you’ve never miscalculated.

“….” Brother Two was rendered silent. Then he responded, “Thanks.”

[Song Nanchuan] ….

“I’m not praising you!” Song Nanchuan fiercely pressed down on the keyboard. “I’m going to remember this debt. Wait ’til I come back to sort it out slowly with you.”

[Second Brother] Come on… I just wanted Pei Ying to reveal her true character to Mom and Dad.

[Song Nanchuan] Cut the crap. You just didn’t want my marriage to go smoothly. It can’t be that you’re secretly in love with me, can it? Forget it. It can’t happen between us.

[Second Brother] …Bro, your taste is a bit heavy.

“If you’re not coveting my beauty, then what are you after?”

[Second Brother] ….

Third Brother was still the same as always, hehe.

[Second Brother] Have you forgotten who gave a report to Gu Zhen, causing us to breakup? 

[Song Nanchuan] …Hell. How long ago was that? You still remember it?

[Second Brother] Even if my memory is poor, I can hold a grudge for quite awhile. 

“…Alright. You’d best pray that I don’t find another reason to catch you. My memory has always been very good, and it’s even better when it come to grudges. :)” After sending the message, there was a notification to board the plane.

He put away his tablet and turned to Pei Ying. “Let’s go.”

“Oh.” Pei Ying quickly put away her phone and followed after him.

After getting onto the plane, Song Nanchuan closed his eyes to rest. Pei Ying looked at him from the side, debating on whether or not she should make a move.

While she was thinking about it, the plane, that had been flying smoothly up until then, suddenly shook. The passengers started whispering, but even after some rocking, the plane still hadn’t returned to normal. On the contrary, the rocking grew stronger.

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