Ch 6. Chuan Chuan

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(Note: Weixin, aka WeChat, is a messaging app that allows sending text or voice messages and making calls. Contacts are added via phone number, ID, or by scanning their user specific QR code. Along with messaging and calls, there's a social feed feature, kind of like a Facebook feed, where you can post pictures to your friends/contacts. Texts in this story often have words in parentheses, presumably to represent emoticons and the like.)

Pei Ying sent a friend request. After she added Song Nanchuan, she went back to the contact details.

"Is this your phone number?" she asked.

"Mm," Song Nanchuan nodded, and then he also went to check her details.

Pei Ying's eyes swept over the screen and then she dialed the number.

Song Nanchuan's phone rang from his side.

He picked it up and looked at it, an unknown number. Pei Ying glanced at his screen and said, "That's me calling."

Song Nanchuan's lips curved up into a smile, and then he added her to his contacts.

Pei Ying let out a breath. It was clearly just exchanging contact info, but she felt like it was some earth shattering business.

She put away her phone and smiled to Song Nanchuan.

Song Nanchuan looked at her, his expression softening more. "When you have time, let's eat together again."

Pei Ying controlled her furiously beating heart and responded strong and assured, "Sure."

When they got back to her place, just like last time, Song Nanchuan watched her walk back into the residence before telling the driver to leave.

Pei Ying's current mood was just like the light breeze blowing against her face. She quickened her pace and then couldn't help standing on her tiptoes and twirling around in circles.

The peach blossom petals fell onto her head, and the stray cats came out again from who knows where, circling around her legs and calling out.

"Blackie, Flower, good evening." Pei Ying crouched down and teased them. The smile on her face was brighter than the branches of blooming flowers.

"Meow~" the cats called out. Pei Ying stood up and told them, "I'll go up to bring you some food. Wait a minute."

She quickly headed upstairs and changed into a pair of flats. Then she brought the cat food and mineral water she'd bought earlier down with her.

Those cats were actually still waiting for her there. She put the prepared bowl onto the ground and they gathered around to eat.

Pei Ying happily pulled out her phone to take a picture with the cats and post it to her friends. When she returned to the contacts screen in the app, she couldn't help staring at song Nanchuan's contact info.

He didn't post any pictures to his friends, so she couldn't even pry a bit into his past. She saved his contact as "Chuan Chuan," and then for seemingly no reason, she sighed at the two characters.

Since she asked for his contact info so directly, would he feel that she had some kind of ulterior motive? As such a major CEO, he must have surely met a lot of people who tried to get close to him intentionally.

She crouched down and rested her chin in her hands. As she sat their worrying, a new notification came up from her friend feed.

She opened the app to take a look. Song Nanchuan had just liked the picture she posted.

Pei Ying suddenly smiled. Regarding what kind of person she was, he would naturally find out as they got to know each other. She didn't stay there with her groundless fears any longer.

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