Ch 18

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When Ren Shanshan saw the text that Pei Ying sent, her brow twitched.

Sending such a message this late at night… Was Pei Ying bragging about having a man or laughing at her for having difficulties sleeping alone?

Ah ah.

[Ren Shanshan] Pei Ying’s only been dating a few days, but she’s already flaunting that she’s got a man? (smile)

[Pei Ying] I’m not flaunting anything! It was obviously a complaint!

[Ren Shansha] Complaint? You sure you weren’t telling me about how big and healthy your guy is?

[Pei Ying] ……

No matter what she said, Ren Shanshan could make it perverted. Pei Ying decided to stop communicating with her.

After Song Nanchuan finished his shower, he saw her sleeping on the sofa. As he dried his hair with a towel, he walked over to her. “Why are you lying here? You should shower too, and then go to sleep.”

“Oh…” Pei Ying answered and obediently went upstairs to take a shower. But when she came out from the bathroom and saw Song Nanchuan waiting for her in bed, she couldn’t help being shaken.

She’d been sleeping alone for all these years, so it was a bit difficult to get used to a man sleeping beside her. Last night, she’d just been very tired. When she closed her eyes, she fell asleep. Tonight though, she was very much awake… How was she going to sleep?!

She stood at the bathroom door for awhile before asking Song Nanchuan, “There should be other bedrooms here, right?”

Song Nanchuan’s brow jumped. “You want to go to another room?”


She stood there mumbling, and Song Nanchuan chuckled, as if seeing through her completely. He pat the spot beside him. “Sleep here. You’ll get used to it after a few more times.”

Pei Ying, “…”

How could he say that so calmly?!

In the end, she walked over and laid down in bed. Then she pulled the covers up to her eyes.

Song Nanchuan’s lips curved up. He turned out the lights and then went to sleep as well.

Although Pei Ying didn’t turn to look at Song Nanchuan, she couldn’t ignore his breathing. Even with her eyes tightly closed, she was very much aware of the existence of a man right next to her.

She tried her hardest, but in the end, she was still very tense and didn’t feel like sleeping at all.

“CEO Song?” She said.

“You’re still calling me CEO Song?” Song Nanchuan’s voice sounded very displeased.

Pei Ying was silent for two seconds, and then she said, “Chuan Chuan.”

Song Nanchuan, “…”

Forget it, it was still better than CEO Song. As long as she liked it.

“What is it?” he asked.

“Are you asleep yet?”


“Me neither.” Pei Ying finally opened her eyes and turned her head in Song Nanchuan’s direction. “About last night, did you plan it in advance?”

Song Nanchuan responded earnestly, “Of course not. What happened yesterday was simply emotion and passion taking its course.”

“Oh…” Pei Ying responded. “Then why did you have condoms at home? Do you always have that kind of thing ready?”

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