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Pei Ying’s interactions with Ni Bai on Weibo comforted Ni Bai’s fans. At first, they’d been a bit disgruntled about her failing the audition, but seeing how gracious Ni Bai was, those fans couldn’t say anything more. And since Pei Ying’s attitude was very modest, Ni Bai’s fans looked at her in a positive light.

After seeing Pei Ying and Ni Bai’s exchange on Weibo, Li Sisi also sent her a congratulatory message. Pei Ying didn’t know if it was because she didn’t want everyone to think she was petty or for some other reason, but in any case, since she sent her congratulations, Pei Ying also responded with thanks.

For the next few days, Universe continued to release casting news for The Performer, posting news about one role each day. Some would call their actions a bit excessive, even. Since the film spent so much effort in procuring its main leads, they’d also have done a good job with the supporting roles. Of the cast reported so far, all were popular actors with a lot of fans, Yu Kaize among them.

As Universe’s prince, it was a surprise to no one that he would be in this film. Although his acting skills weren’t anything spectacular, at the least, he was very popular, with more than 20 million fans on Weibo.

In The Performer, he would be playing the role of a junior officer to the main character, Wu Yang. His role would be… to search out Wu Yang when he ran into difficulties.

During this period of time, The Performer could be said to be building momentum. The original author’s popularity, coupled with the spectacular cast, had fans eager for the movie’s release. Of course, there was no shortage of people bad-mouthing the film—but that’s existed ever since Xing Xin sold the rights for a movie.

Regardless of the storm elsewhere, Pei Ying stayed in at home to study her script.

Filming for the movie would start at the end of the month. Because she was the female lead, she had a lot of scenes. And a lot of them were with Mo Zhen as well, so she really had to prepare amply for it.

When Song Nanchuan returned home, Pei Ying was still sitting at the window, reading her script. Her posture looked nearly the same as when he’d left.

He took off his suit jacket and walked over to her. “Still reading the script? Were you reading it all day?”

Pei Ying was a bit startled, seemingly just realizing that someone had walked up to her. She turned to look at Song Nanchuan. After blinking her eyes slowly, “Oh, Teacher Xing Xin wrote the screenplay too. And even though I’ve read the original novel several times, the screenplay feels completely different. It’s so exciting to read.”

No wonder Teacher Xing Xin was Teacher Xing Xin. She had a feeling that when the movie hit theaters, all those people saying that the film would ruin the original novel would end up slapping themselves on the face.

Song Nanchuan pulled the script from her hands and saw that there were tons of annotations written on it. He pulled Pei Ying up from the sofa. “Don’t just sit still all day. You should move around and exercise a bit.”

Pei Ying pursed her lips. “You sit all day long in your office. Isn’t that the same?”

Song Nanchuan chuckled and nodded. “You’re right. It seems both of our exercising activities are severely lacking. I guess we can only make it up at night.”

Pei Ying, “….”

Don’t think that she’s so foolish that she doesn’t understand what exercising at night means.

She took back the script from Song Nanchuan. As she flipped through it, she asked him, “By the way, you studied abroad for college, right?”

“Mmh. What about it?”

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