Ch 23

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Pei Ying stopped in her steps.

That man was still wearing a black coat and white sneakers. Under his eyes, there were very obvious dark circles.

Pei Ying stood still for several seconds before turning and walking in the opposite direction. And, as expected, the man under the tree followed her.

The sky was still lit and she was on a large and busy street, so Pei Ying felt that he wouldn’t dare act recklessly. With her injured leg, she slowly walked forward.

There was a local police station not too far away. She really wanted to see if this person would follow her all the way there.

After making a turn at the corner, Pei Ying could see the sign for the police station. She usually passed by the place without much care, but right now, that dark blue sign really calmed her down quite a bit.

The man followed her up to the intersection before stopping. Pei Ying didn’t dare to turn around and just quickly hurried into the police station. The officer at the entrance stopped her and asked her reason for coming. After explaining her situation, the officer brought her inside.

Inside, there were several officers working. When they heard she wanted to file a report, they had her take a seat.

“What would you like to report?” the officer across from her asked.

Pei Ying answered, “There’s a stranger following me. It’s already been three days. Every day, when I get off work and head home, he’s standing near the entrance of my apartment compound. Then he follows me all the way to my building.”

“He’s just following you? Did he do anything do you?”

“No, but this is already really quite frightening. He was even following me just now.”

The officer looked at her and said, “If that’s all there is, we can’t file a report.”

Pei Ying frowned. “Then what does it take to file a report? Should I wait until he does something more to me?”

“Miss, please don’t be upset. I understand your feelings, but we also have to follow the rules and regulations.”

Pei Ying slightly pursed her lips. In a slightly calmer tone, she said, “Then what should I do now? Just let him keep following me? I don’t even dare to go back home right now.”

The officer responded, “Currently, in these types of situations, we can only increase the patrols in the area. If we see the man you’re talking about, we’ll be sure to warn and inform him.”

Hearing these words, Pei Ying felt slightly discouraged. The officer across from her examined her for a moment, and then suddenly said, “You’re a celebrity, right? Named Pei Ying, I believe?”

“…Yes.” Pei Ying wasn’t sure how to feel. Who’d have thought that there’d be a day when the police recognized her?

“If that’s the case, could the person following you be a paparazzi?”

Pei Ying shook her head. She’d considered the possibility previously, but this person didn’t carry any camera equipment, and he never tried to hide his presence as he waited for her. No matter how she thought about it, he couldn’t be a paparazzi. She explained her thoughts to the officer, who asked again, “Then do you think they might be an extreme fan?”

Pei Ying didn’t really know about that. She’d debuted awhile ago, but she’d never met an extreme fan before.

“I don’t think so though. If they were a fan, they should be very excited when they see me. They might ask for an autograph or a photo or something. But this person hasn’t said a single word to me. He just follows me and gives a creepy laugh.” Pei Ying recalled that ‘haha’ and she could feel her hair stand on end.

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