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Xing Xin was one of the nation’s best-selling detective novelists. To this day, he’d published more than ten novels, but he’d never released a photograph of himself. He’d never even held a book signing.

The Performer‘s press conference was his first public appearance, and even some of the reporters in the audience couldn’t restrain themselves. Instead of directing their questions at Mo Zhen, the reporters started the interview by asking a philosophical question.

“Are you really Teacher Xing Xin?” one reporter asked.

Pei Ying sweat a bit as she heard Teacher Xing Xin’s answer, “Hm, why didn’t I think of finding a body double to attend this conference in my place.”

The audience laughed. What Pei Ying glimpsed from this was that Teacher had a very nice sounding voice!

The same reporter asked again, “Teacher, with an appearance as outstanding as yours, have you ever considered joining the entertainment industry?”

On the stage, Xing Xin frowned as he said, “Why do you keep asking me questions? Shouldn’t your attention be focused on Mo Zhen? That’s what my editor told me.”

Pei Ying, “….”

Another wave of laughter rolled through the audience, and everyone’s attentions turned to the Mighty Mo. These press conferences usually only lasted for half an hour, and Teacher Xing Xin was undoubtedly the winner of the day.

Not only did his fans and the media rush to release photos of him, even his words “That’s what my editor told me” started trending online.

Song Nanchuan was sitting on the sofa, watching the press conference with Pei Ying. He waited patiently until the end, and then he picked up the remote to turn off the TV.

Pei Ying frowned and turned to him, “Why did you turn it off?”

Song Nanchuan said, “Isn’t it over?”

“What if there’s a report afterwards?”

Song Nanchuan looked at her, as if studying her. “Are you Mo Zhen’s fan?”

“I’m Teacher Xing Xin’s faithful reader!” As she said this, Pei Ying’s eyes glowed. “I’ve read all of his novels. Oh yeah, I brought his novels along when I moved. Didn’t you see it?”

“I saw.” Song Nanchuan nodded. All those books were currently taking up space in his bookcase. “I just thought that you were reading them in preparation for The Performer, as homework.”

“No, no, no. I really like his books. Do you think, if I get the female lead role, I’ll be able to meet him in person?!”

His readers’ biggest regret was likely that Teacher Xing Xin had never held a book signing.

Song Nanchuan said, “I heard that the auditions for the female lead will take place at the start of August, but Xing Xin’s request for the actresses is very strict.”

His words were meant to remind Pei Ying not to hold on to too many hopes, lest she get too hurt if she didn’t get chosen. However, Pei Ying picked up on a different point. “That means Teacher Xing Xin will be at the audition? Which means, if I participate in the audition, I’ll be able to see Teacher Xing Xin!”

Song Nanchuan, “….”

After Qiao Yichen left, in walked Xing Xin. Great.

Although Song Nanchuan was currently very angry, he had to keep a smile on his face. “You know that neither Li Sisi or Ni Bai have meet Xing Xin’s standards, right? Most people who are that picky have some kind of psychological affliction.”

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