Ch 7. Wrap

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When she saw Song Nanchuan's message, Pei Ying's heart started pounding again.

The invitation was very enticing, and she even started thinking about what she would wear to the meeting. However, after a moment, her mouth dropped as she replied, "I'm sorry. Filming wraps for me today, so the crew invited me out for dinner."

Pei Ying felt it was such a pity. Why didn't he invite her earlier? She would've turned down the crew's offer and gone out with him...

Although that thought made her a bit apologetic to the drama crew.

[Chuan Chuan] You're done filming already?

[Pei Ying] Mm... I was originally just a walk-on, so my part was very small. orz

Seeing the text she sent, Song Nanchuan laughed. "That's okay, in my eyes, you're the female lead."


Sitting in the corner, holding her phone, Pei Ying's face instantly went red.

A wave of chaos burst out in her heart, and she was uncertain how to answer. She suddenly felt that Ren Shanshan was right. Song Nanchuan was an expert.

Thank goodness that Song Nanchuan sent another message. "Who are you eating dinner with tonight?"

[Pei Ying] Yu Kaize and Tao Tao.

When he saw Yu Kaize's name, Song Nanchuan's brows twitched. He thought for a moment, and then responded, "Where are you eating?"

"We're having Japanese food at Ying Ting," she answered honestly.

"Okay, have a good meal. I'll invite you out again next time."

Awhile after Song Nanchuan's message, Pei Ying started to wonder why he asked for such a detail.

She looked over their messages again. When she saw that line, 'in my eyes, you're the female lead,' her face turned red again.

After the drama team wrapped up for the day, Pei Ying, Yu Kaize, and Tao Tao headed over to Ying Ting. Yu Kaize always drove his car to the filming site. Between riding his Porche and Tao Tao's company van, she chose the latter.

The whole way, Tao Tao wrapped her arm around Pei Ying's and chatted. "Yu Kaize ah, he's Universe Pictures' prince. His temper's usually really big, but he's also pretty generous and often invites the crew out to eat. Of course, 90% of the time, it's the pretty girls."

Pei Ying laughed. Tao Tao blinked her big eyes at Pei Ying again. "You're so hot, no wonder he's trying so hard."

Pei Ying responded, "Maybe he's interested in you. After all, you've been filming together for quite awhile. Who knows, the acting might have turned real."

Because Light Shines on Raiment of Rainbows was really popular recently, the production and the leads' companies were actively trying to ship the two of them together. Yu Kaize and Tao Tao often interacted on their Weibos, and they really gave off a couple feel.

After she heard Pei Ying's words, Tao Tao laughed. "You've got to know it's all a marketing ploy, right? Yu Kaize and I are just putting on appearances. We're not each others' types."

Pei Ying nodded lightly, but didn't continue the topic.

Not long after, the car arrived at the restaurant. Yu Kaize had already reserved a private room, so the three of them headed directly inside. The place had comparatively higher quality Japanese food, so celebrities often visited. The staff at the restaurant should have been accustomed to seeing stars, but when they saw Yu Kaize, their eyes still shined.

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