Ch 37

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Right as Pei Ying’s drama finished shooting, Song Nanchuan started preparing his vacation plans.

After an exhilarating night with Pei Ying, he finally showed off the plane tickets to her. “I’ve already booked the plane tickets. 9 o’clock, the day after tomorrow. Have a good rest tomorrow and pack up your things.”

“Okay.” Pei Ying picked up the plane tickets and looked at them. She suddenly started to feel a faint sense of worry. “There won’t be any problems when I ride the plane, will there?”

Song Nanchuan asked curiously, “Like what?”

Pei Ying sat up and pulled a pillow into her arms. She turned to Song Nanchuan and said, “My luck has never been very good. If I tell you, you won’t believe it. All the places I worked for previously had to close down for various reasons.”

Song Nanchuan, “….”

He suddenly recalled the files that Xiao Zhang had first given him about Pei Ying. Nearly half of the projects that she worked on halted midway.

Pei Ying sighed and said, “I took the flight stewardess test before, but I failed it because my English wasn’t good enough. Ren Shanshan always says that it was a fortunate thing, otherwise planes would be falling from the sky every day.”

Song Nanchuan, “….”

Although he was a believer of materialism (matter is the fundamental substance in nature), taking into account Pei Ying’s past, he couldn’t deny the possibility that her constitution defied the laws of science.

However, he was very much anticipating their long-awaited vacation. How could he let this kind of thing bother him? “You’re overthinking things. At the least, we’ve known each other for quite awhile, and your work has been going very well.”

Except for that time he disturbed it.

Pei Ying also felt that ever since she’d met Song Nanchuan, there weren’t as many unfortunate things happening to her. Maybe he was her lucky star. “Mm, my luck hasn’t been that bad lately. The drama wrapped without any issues and the ratings keep rising. Who knows, maybe I’ve been entrusted with your fortune.”

Song Nanchuan laughed. “So don’t keep letting your imagination run wild. By the way, the numbers show that planes are the safest mode of transport.”


Because Song Nanchuan had started planning this vacation last month, it was already very matured. There was nothing for Pei Ying to worry about. All she had to do was pack up her belongings.

Just as she was putting her new bottle of sunscreen into her bag, her phone rang from the table. Pei Ying walked over to take a look, and she saw that it was a call from her brother.

Why was he looking for her? She frowned as she picked up her phone, carrying some misgivings. Before she could even greet him, her brother called out with youthful vigor, “Sis, I’m on vacation, so I came to A City to hang out!”

Pei Ying was taken aback. She asked, “When are you coming?”

“I’m already in A City!” Pei Xiuran looked out the window of his taxi. “I’m taking a taxi to your place now.”

“Ah, I’ve already moved.” Pei Ying was caught completely unaware with Pei Xiuran suddenly appearing in A City. “I’ll text you my new address. Let the taxi driver see it.”


After Pei Ying hung up, she sent her new address to Pei Xiuran, the place that Chen Sheng had helped her get, since she still hadn’t gotten rid of it.

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