Ch 54

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Song Nanchuan’s father spoke to him for nearly half an hour before letting him go. But just as he was about to leave, his father called to him again. With a frown, he said, “I was going to ask, why did you smell like barbecue when you came inside?”

“….” Song Nanchuan deftly turned the blame to his brother. “Second Brother was barbecuing in the courtyard, and he dragged me and Pei Ying over to join him.”

“Hmph. I knew it had to be him.” Mr Song called for the worker outside the door. “Didn’t I tell you to get rid of Lao Er‘s grill? What’s he doing barbecuing in the courtyard again?”

The worker responded respectfully, “Yes, sir. Second Young Master seems to have bought a new one.”

Mr Song was so angry that he stood up from his chair. “That rotten kid doesn’t do any work all day, but he’s so skilled with messing around. I’ve got to give him a beating today.”

After Mr Song left the study, Song Nanchuan hastened to follow him.

Because there was a gardener in charge of caring for the courtyard, all the greenery was always beautiful. The insects were singing on the summer evening, the moonlight leaving a silver trail. And the air carried a scent of… grilled meat.

Mr Song furrowed his brows, and started following his nose. Song Nanchuan followed him, and after passing by some shrubbery, he saw Pei Ying sitting together with his brother.

Pei Ying held a can of beer in her hands as she laughed heartily. “I’m telling you. I can eat twenty of these scallops at once. I’m not even kidding. Hahaha…”

“Hahaha, I could eat forty!” Brother Two raised his beer can for a toast. “Cheers!”


Song Nanchuan, “……”

He’d only left for half an hour. How had Pei Ying turned back into her original alluring state?!

There was a pile of beer cans on the ground. Song Nanchuan watched his brother and Pei Ying still drinking, so he walked over and gave him a kick.

Mr Song was also shocked by the scene before him. No longer in a hurry to discipline Brother Two, he cleared his throat towards Song Nanchuan, and then he turned and left.

Song Nanchuan frowned, but he didn’t follow his father. Instead, he walked over to Pei Ying and picked her up. She was already drunk, her breath carrying a slight alcoholic scent and her cheeks rosy red. After Song Nanchuan picked her up, she dropped her head and then wrapped her arms around his neck. “Chuan Chuan, you’re back. The food Second Brother grilled was very good~”

Song Nanchuan didn’t respond, his face stiff. Seeing him walk off with Pei Ying, Brother Two finally stood up to stop him. “Little Brother, where are you going? Sit. Drink and eat with me. I haven’t drunk enough yet!”

Song Nanchuan looked at him coldly. “I’ll be back to settle the bill with you.”

Ignoring Brother Two’s calls, he carried Pei Ying back to his room.

After setting her down on the bed, she continued to call for him. Song Nanchuan grabbed a warm towel and helped her wipe her face. Then he headed to the kitchen to have someone make a cup of juice for her.

When he got downstairs, he saw his father sitting in the living room, seemingly waiting for him. He wanted to pretend that he hadn’t seen anything and head straight to the kitchen, but his father stopped him. “Come here.”

Song Nanchuan bit his lip, and then he headed over. “Dad, is something wrong?”

“Something wrong?” his father asked. “Don’t you think that you should explain what just happened?”

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