Ch 46

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Pei Ying was wearing her headphones when she listened to the recording, so it felt like someone whispering right into her ear. It even carried Song Nanchuan’s breathing.

Her face grew a bit red, and she pulled out her earbuds.

Seriously! Even when he was reading lines, he had to be so flirty! But… Chuan Chuan’s voice was really very soft and melty. Hearing it made her girlish heart pound.

When Song Nanchuan returned, he saw a flushed Pei Ying standing at the side. His gaze moved from her hands to her phone, and he quickly realized that she must have heard his recording.

The corners of his lips raised up. Song Nanchuan feigned ignorance as he walked over. Looking at Pei Ying, he asked, “Ying Ying, why is your face so red? Are you hot? Should I turn the air conditioner lower?”

Pei Ying, “….”

He was clearly doing this on purpose!

She lifted up the phone in her hand and looked at him. “I just listened to your recording, but there seems to be an extra line. What did you say in the last sentence?”

“The last sentence…” Song Nanchuan blinked at her. “Were the words I wanted to say to you.”

Pei Ying gave a troubled frown. “But I didn’t understand it. You know that my English is really bad.”

Song Nanchuan, “….”

It couldn’t be so bad that you didn’t understand that sentence, could it?! Even an elementary school child would have zero difficulty understanding!

Seeing Song Nanchuan’s expression change from flirty to depressed left Pei Ying feeling quite refreshed. But he quickly put away his dark expression and then provocatively wrapped his arms around her waist. “It’s okay if you didn’t understand it. I’ll use my actions to show you.”

Before Pei Ying could make a sound, he’d already lifted her up and tossed her onto the bed. Startled, she frowned at him. “Song Nanchuan, what are you doing?!”

Song Nanchuan smiled at her. “Loving you.”

Pei Ying, “….”

Song Nanchuan’s love for her was always so fiery and passionate that it left Pei Ying burnt out. After they’d immersed themselves sufficiently in love, Pei Ying laid wearily in Song Nanchuan’s arms.

“Tired?” Song Nanchuan pulled away the hair on her sweaty forehead and kissed her. Pei Ying closed her eyes and sounded softly, “Mmh.”

Song Nanchuan looked at her teasingly. “We only did it once and you’re already so tired. Your physical condition really isn’t good.”

Pei Ying’s brows twitched, and then she opened her eyes. “Once for you, not for me.”

Song Nanchuan chortled, and, realizing what she’d just said, Pei Ying’s face turned red.

Oh god, Song Nanchuan had led her astray. When she spoke, she sounded more and more shameless!

Song Nanchuan kissed her red cheek and laughed. “You just keep getting cuter.”

Pei Ying, “….”

Our understanding of cute seem to be a bit different, Mr Song.

“After you’re rested, let’s go again. You need to get more exercise.” Song Nanchuan spoke very respectably.

Pei Ying pursed her lips and then wrapped herself up in a towel before heading to the bathroom. “I’m going to take a shower.”

Song Nanchuan got up and followed her, squeezing into the bathroom. “Let’s take one together. To save on water costs.”

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