Ch 32

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The shouts of the fans were full of enthusiasm. The host looked calmly at Pei Ying and shot her a smile. “Pei Pei, would you like to sing a song for everyone?”


Before Pei Ying could respond, the audience erupted in applause.

Pei Ying looked at them and smiled. She turned back to the host and nodded. “Okay, I’ll sing then.”

Chen Sheng’s heart was nearly jumping out of his chest. The host was making a mess and going off the plan, but why was Pei Ying going along with her?! If you sing this song poorly, your hard-earned popularity will drop just like that!

The opening melody of Blooming started playing and the fans below the stage screamed. They waved their arms and signs along to the count of the melody.

“In the season where everything withers, you and I have become insincere…” As Pei Ying started singing, her fans grew excited. Her tone was very good and distinct. Her sincere singing was definitely a pleasure to the ears.

The difficulty in this song was controlling the rhythm, and Pei Ying had overcome that in the recording studio. As the chorus came up, Chen Sheng stood at the bottom of the stage, hands clasped together (as in a prayer).

“You bloom like the summer fireworks, turning the plain winter sky into a rainbow-colored kingdom…”

Chen Sheng grew very still as he listened to Pei Ying’s performance. Her breathing was smooth, moving up and down like a mountain range. Although she sang in falsetto for the high notes, the transition from her natural voice was very natural and there was no break in her singing. Moreover, her breathing was very adequate throughout the chorus, and it didn’t make the listener feel as if she couldn’t handle the song. She even utilized her tone fully.

…Was Qiao Yichen messing with him? He felt that Pei Ying did a great job singing! She was a lot better than some of the so-called singers in the industry!

After she finished the song, the site exploded in applause. The host had a difficult time controlling the crowd to announce the start of the signing.

More staff was brought out to keep the event organized as the fans lined up with their CDs.

All her years of practicing her signature would finally be made useful now.

A forty-minute signing didn’t sound particularly long, but for the person signing, it was something torturous. After the event ended, Pei Ying’s wrist ached from all the signing.

The host announced the end of the event, but the fans that had yet to receive an autograph blocked the way, refusing to let anyone leave. The staff members said that there would be a second signing event, but the fans didn’t pay them any attention. They just stayed in place and wouldn’t leave.

Pei Ying understood their feelings. After waiting in such a long line, they didn’t get an autograph. Of course they would be upset. If it were up to her, she’d give an autograph to everyone. But she had to return to filming. The filming crew was still waiting for her.

The staff escorted her from the scene, and even Chen Sheng joined in to help with the battle.

They finally made their way out of the Star Department Store, but there was still group of fans following behind her.

“Pei Pei! Pei Pei!” The fans cried out as they took photos. Some even had the guts to reach out their hands to grab onto her. This short path to the car was both slow and tiring. She was blocked in from all sides, when she suddenly saw two men in suits appear. Using their strength, they blocked the fans from her.

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