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Late night chat

I slowly open my eyes. The movie is over since there're movie credits showing on the screen.

Why is something under my head so soft? There weren't any pillows on the couch. And then it hit me. Oh.

My head is resting on Yoongi's shoulder. My heart starts to beat faster, I'm not sure if that's due to panic that hit me or that it's Yoongi's shoulder.

His chest is slowly moving up and down. I guess he fell asleep during the movie too.

I slowly start moving away, trying not to wake him up. I give my neck a stretch and rub my eyes. Just as I want to get up, Yoongi wakes up.

"Aish, I fell asleep? Sorry," he says with a husky, sleepy voice that I find oddly attractive.

"No worries, I did too," I giggle in response.

"I know, you fell asleep on my shoulder," My cheeks turn red and I slightly open my mouth, speechless. Shit. How embarrassing. He just smirks at my reaction.

"Ah... you thought I don't know," he looks at me. "You looked really cute like that, I didn't want to wake you up," I blush some more and then awkwardly move a bit away from him.

"It wasn't my intention," I finally speak up. "Sorry."

He doesn't say anything for a moment and just looks around the room.

"We should stop apologizing this much," I nod in response. "It's 10 p.m., we can go to sleep or stay awake and talk. I mean, we are roommates, I think we should get to know each other."

"Okay, sure, let's get to know each other a bit," I smile. "Can I just change into pajamas quickly?" I still have on jeans and a T-shirt that I wore through the entire day.

"Yeah, yeah, go ahead," he waved, signaling me to go and hurry up.

I storm into my room and quickly change into my navy-colored pajamas and tie my hair in a ponytail. I quickly check myself out in the mirror before heading back to the living room.

"So... I'm from Ilsan," I start the conversation while I'm sitting down.

"Nice, I have a friend that's from Ilsan. I'm from Daegu," he speaks with a low and still a bit sleepy voice.

"Really? What's his name, I might know him."

"His name is Namjoon, Kim Namjoon," That name sounds familiar. Oh, right.

"Based on your expression, I believe you do know him." He encouraged me to tell him more.

"Well he's my ex-boyfriend," his eyes literally fall out.

I start laughing. Hard.

He quickly puts the 2 and 2 together and annoyingly looks at me.

"I'm kidding," I say in-between my laugh. "Your expression was priceless!"

"Yeah, yeah, you got me good," he says, annoyed but I can see him forcing the ends of his lips not to curve into a smile.

"But for real, I do know him, he was my schoolmate in high school," I explained, still widely smiling. His expression got softer. It seems like he started really enjoying our conversation, and I did too.

"I can call him sometime to hang out," offers Yoongi.

"That would be great!" I reply, genuinely in for the idea.

"Good... so, hm... how old are you?"

"I'm 21. And you?"


"So you are in the last year of college I assume? I'm in the second year,"

"Yeah, I'm studying music,"

"That's cool! I'm studying art," I pause before I continue. "Do you love what you're studying?" His eyes literally sparkle when I say that.

"I do, truly. I have a passion for it since I was a child," he is smiling widely and genuinely. He should smile more often.

"I'm happy to hear that," I place my hand on his, friendly squeeze it and then put it away.

"When is our roommate coming though?" I change the subject.

"I don't know, he should come sometime this week," he answers and shrugs.

We talked for hours then and got to know each other pretty well. Time passed quickly, probably because I enjoy his company. I'm happy we got along so well.

We ended our conversation around 2 a.m., feeling really tired. We wished each other good night and went to sleep.


The alarm wakes me up the next morning at 8 a.m. I have slept well even though for only 6 hours. I wanted to start the day early to get some things done. I'll go to sleep earlier today.

What I did next was probably one of the biggest mistakes in my life.

Boys and Rooms | 민 Yoongi   (✔️)Where stories live. Discover now