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Five days have passed from that chill night with Tae and Yoongi.
I mostly stayed at home haning out with my roommates, drew or did other things I enjoy. The other day me and Hoseok went out for a walk in the nearby park. It was a really nice afternoon filled with sunshine, laughs and ice cream.
The next day I went shopping with Jungkook and Jisoo to catch up and also because I needed to get supplies for college that's starting in less than two weeks.
Tae has been pretty good these days, he hasn't cried much. I advised him to get himself busy with things he loves doing. And he did. He started wandering around our neighborhood taking pictures in which he tried to frame his emotions and fristrations, as he later explained to me. Due to his absence that lasted for pretty much whole days, Yoongi and I had a lot of time on our own. For the most time we spent it chatting and he sometimes played a song to me, one of them being his own.

It's friday now, right after lunch. I lay down on the couch and turn on the TV to watch a show I have to catch up because there's nothing else I can think of to do. I need to make myself busy until 6 pm, the time when Yoongi and I will be going to the Chinese restaurant where we'll be meeting with Namjoon.

I'm very excited about it and that's probably why time goes by so slowly today. I haven't seen him since high school and I must admit I miss him. We used to spent quite a lot of time together, he tutored me math and science and we also sometimes met in the nearby coffee shop together. He's very kind, intelligent and grown-up but also quite moody and very stubborn. I must add he was widely popular among girls and I can't blame him, he is very attractive. He didn't blind me though. I adored him for his cute dimples and silly jokes that got even him face palming for being so bad. There was this one time we almost kissed at a party, both being dead drunk and just after a break-up. Fun times.

Now being the second episode in, I get bored of the show. I turn off the TV and go grab myself a glass of water. Yoongi's playing the piano, the song echoing in the background. I don't know what I should do now, I'm not in the mood for drawing either. Maybe Jin has some free time to hang out? I ask myself and without anything else I leave the apartment.

I knock on Jin's apartment but there isn't any response. Bored and annoyed, I test my luck with Hoseok.

The door doesn't open immediately but when it finally does, there isn't standing the man I'm looking for. Instead, there's a man about my height with black hair, parted in the middle. His confident aura immediately overshadows mine, turning me shy and quiet.

"You're not Hoseok," I say, the first thing that crossed my mind.

"Thank you for informing me," he replies. My cheeks turn into a shade of pink as I force myself not to look down in embarrasement from my stupid words. "How can I help you, human?" he asks. I grin before I answer.

"I'm looking for Hoseok, is he home?"

"Sorry, he isn't."

Someone just really loves me today. I sigh in my mind.

"Oh, okay, sorry to bother you," I say. As I start turning around the man grabs my shoulder and stops me.

"Why are you looking for him? Are you his sister?" He asks.

"What? No!" I reply.

"His girlfriend?"

"No!! I'm a friend of his," I tell him arm-crossed.

"Good," he smirks, his eyes scanning me like he was undressing he with his eyes.

"I have a boyfriend," I say avoiding eye contact due to the uncomfortable feeling he just gave me.

"No you don't," he raises his eyebrow and crosses his arms. "You wouldn't be desperate to find a friend in that case," he explained, his tone being low and serious.

"We were fighting," I try.

"Sweety, I'm not interested so stop pretending," he sighs and shakes his head.

"Okay fine, I don't have a boyfriend." I say and raise my hands like I was defeated. A smirk takes over his lips. His very plump lips.

"I like you stranger," he comments. "I'm Jimin, nice to meet you," he introduces himself and shakes my hand. Oh, that's Jimin? I thought that was his friends or something. I imagined him differently.

"I'm glad to hear it, not-Hoseok," I joke. A sigh escapes his lips from a big smile that forms on his face. "My name is Y/N," His eyes widen.

"Y/N? My neighbor?"

"Yes, that Y/N," I smile at him.

"Hoseok told me so much about you!" He excitedly claps his hands. "Come on in, let's chat inside," I nod and follow him into the apartment. It's similar to mine but smaller and way more cluttered.
He sits me down on the couch, saying to get comfortable.

"You know, Hoseok told me about you too," I start the conversation.

"Really? All the good things I hope."

"Not really, he told me you are a huge fuckboy and that he just can't stand you," I grin.

"Well, he told me you are super annoying and creepy." He smirks leaning back on the couch. He share a laugh before we continue.

"But for real though, he only told me you are his roommate," I seriously tell him.

"Yeah same, he just mentioned you as our neighbor and that you are a nice person," my heart warms up, loving each of the words he spoke. It's really nice to know someone thinks good about you.

We chatted for the next hour or so. Jimin is a completely different person from all of the new ones I met the last week. He's mature and a really good conversation maker. He's a year older than me and studying photography. Just like Tae! He told me he knows Tae but they aren't in the same class. I like how his aura gives a very confident and charismatic vibe and how our conversation maintained sarcastic most of the time. It really relaxes me in a way.

I came back home at 4 p.m. As soon as I close the door behind me, Yoongi shouts from the kitchen. "Where have you been?!"

"Chill Yoongi, I was bored so I went to check if Jin or Hoseok were home to hang out," I answer him coming to the kitchen. When he sees me he gets up and comes to me in a fast pace. "What the hell?!" I back off. He looks really scary with that wild look in his eyes.
Instead of saying anything, he pushes me by the wall, his left hand leaning on it by my left ear. He stares into my eyes, his gaze softening with every second, his breath brushing the tip of my nose. I don't dare to breath while my heart beats uncontrollably fast.

The truth is, this boy gets a lot of my attention these days. I catch myself use every possible second to look at him. To stare if I'm being more realistic. He's so mysterious but so open at the same time. I think I might be starting to like him. He creeps up in my mind a lot of the times, especially that shower accident.

At this moment, I can't help but look at his lips, perfect for a peck or a full-on making out session. Can't decide which I desire more.

He realizes his actions and takes a step back.

"Uh, sorry," he says totally confused and rushes away to his room. I remain my position in now completely quiet room excluding the loud sounds of my still not calm heart.

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