twenty five

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"Are you sure?" I ask him with my eyes widely open.

"I believe so," he responds. "And I never do so. But the amount of trust and care you showed towards me hasn't happened to me ever. I was always 'the cold guy' so people automatically thought there's no reason to try and become close to me or care about me." He tells me, his tone being steady but disappointed. I makes my heart ache hearing his words and an upset feeling releasing through my body. He just didn't deserve this. He didn't and he doesn't.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I have you now." He says lightly smiling while he caresses my cheek. I assuringly hold on his wrist. He closes his eyes for a breath in after he moves his hand away from my cheek. "I've been living in Daegu for my whole life before I moved here," he starts. "My mother's brother lived next door from us. It was really nice having a family next door, we celebrated different holidays together. But that's not the point." I have my whole attention on him, on his words. He looks into my eyes now so I smile at him, signaling him that I'm listening and to move on. "I didn't have many friends at school because I just wasn't interested in having them. And that's because I already had a best friend at who I hurried everyday to so we could play together and stuff. My best friend was my cousin who lived next door. He was two years older than me but we did everything together. We learnt how to ride a bike together, how to tie our shoelaces. As we grew older, our bond hasn't weakened ever. I trusted him and so did he. Well, until high school came." He stops again, taking a deep breath. I can feel he's in pain but I can't really do anything about it and it pains me as well. "It was all right at the beginning of his freshmen year. But then, after a while, he started spending less and less time with me. I was thinking he just needed to study more but in reality it was very different. He made himself new friends and started going out with them very often, leaving me alone at home. We didn't see each other, we didn't speak, we didn't play video games almost anytime but the trust was there. We shared our problems to each other from time to time but that was pretty much it. I was sad but I tried to understand. I made some new friends then and everything was okay for a while." He takes a pause once again and I can clearly see him holding back tears now. I scoot a bit closer to him and hold his hands at which he appreciatively looks at me. "Until one day when he broke everything. Our trust, my trust. He started smoking and drinking because he was hanging out with popular kids. But that wasn't what make me not trust him anymore. It was the things he did behind my back. He started exposing all of my secrets to his new friends and they enjoyed my stupidity and laughed at it which made my cousin expose even more things about me and even started talking bad about me. I was so broken by this you can't even imagine. I cried to sleep almost every night in my mother's embrace. She is the one who always stood with me and comforted me and I'm beyond thankful for it. She's the only person I trust with all me heart," he finishes his story, leaving me even more speechless I was before. Not gonna lie, his last sentence upsets me a bit but I need to understand. This is a huge case of betrayal and no one deserves it. "And you. I feel like I can trust you."

I can feel a tear run down my cheek. It was such a short time we know each other and here we are, friends, a couple, people who trust each other. I never appreciated being trusted and trusting before. It's a new feeling, but a really good one.

"I can't express..." I start but he stops me.

"Just don't break the trust," he says cupping one side of my face with his hand, drying the tear.

"I wouldn't dare to," I reply. I feel his body relax after my statement, relaxing him.

I scoot over some more to be as close to him as possible and wrap my arms around him, squeezing him tightly. He returns me the hug, all the thankfulness and care that he's capable of in his touch.

I feel like I don't need to say a word and so we stay with our intertwined bodies on my bed and peacefully lay on it until not long after we fell asleep, finishing the most tiring day I have ever experienced.

(A/N): Did you expect Yoongi's story or not? Let me know in the comments. As always, thank you for reading, will update soon ❤️❤️

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