twenty seven

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(!) This chapter includes smut. That part is marked with -> at the beginning and with <- at the end of it if you prefer to skip it.

A visit

I wake up in the middle of the night, located in my bed and wearing only an oversized T-Shirt. The situation feels strange but I'm not confused about it. I turn back time in my head to the last memory of tonight. I remember falling asleep on the couch with my head on Tae's shoulder. The rest is black and forgotten, which makes me conclude I was being carried to my room and changed into my pajamas, most likely by Yoongi.

Not having a single thought about it anymore, I switch my position so that I'm laying on my back now. I press my eyes harder together, forcing my body to shut once again into the sleep mode.

An unknown amount of time passes by with all my senses still awakened while I keep changing positions to find the perfect one that would satisfy my brain to send me back to sleep. It seems like none of them do what I wish for so I'm just laying here, thinking whether is it the moon that shines through the window and lightly illuminates the dark room or is it the faint sound of the late night's street that keeps me awake.

I turn on the lights and get up, decided to head to the kitchen with intention to grab myself a glass of water.

Every step I take is slow because I'm careful not to make a sound that could wake up the people I live with.

I manage to get to the kitchen and search for the switch on the right wall. One wrong move later, a loud bang echoes through the room and the nearby hallway from the sudden sharp pain I experience with hitting my the right toe of my right foot by the leg of the chair. I automatically grab my foot, squeezing my toes to stop the radiating pain off it, while a number of curse words are mumbled under my breath.

The chair I hit myself with, ironically, comes handy this moment for me. I sit down on it to wait until the pain is bearable. I irritatedly cock my eyebrows together and mentally face palm before I finally pick myself up, getting that glass of water I craved for 5 minutes ago. I successfully and quietly complete the task, drinking the liquid in a shot.

As I'm placing the glass in the sink, a shadow appears next to me, scaring me so much I visibly jump on the spot while I shoot my eyes open and let out a subtle scream.

"I'm not going to eat you I swear!" A voice of the person who startled me quickly babbles while his body raises its hands up. I let my eyes scan my boyfriend in front of me, noticing an almost scornful grin spread on his face. I'm about to point out the obvious but he overhauls me. "Well, I can if you wish me to do so." A smirk follows the statement, changing my mood into more relaxed one and my expression to smiling, even thought my heart is still beating out of control.

"I was just waiting for you to say that," I reply to his statement, a sarcastically judging tone present the way I speak the words. He laughs it off and takes a step forward, bringing himself a bit closer.

"I'm sorry I scared you," he says, but I can't tell if he means it or not completely.

"I'm fine," I answer back. His following response is a simple shrug. I force myself to stay on my spot because I've gotten a sudden urge to join our lips together due to the smooth and flirty line that has made the mood better a minute ago. There's no denying this man has a strong impact on my mind, body and behavior that, in a way, makes me excited and different from my usual self.

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