twenty one

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"Forget it," I say to the smirking Yoongi in front of me, slightly pushing him away from me.

"That's a hard task you are giving me." A low voice coming out of his mouth replies. He leans in, his lips against my ears. "I think about it all the time." A smirk forms on my lips from the answer I mentally create in my head.

"It's all way better in reality," I turn my thoughts into words, a playful sparkle in my eyes. He lets out a barely audible groan before he places his hands on my thighs. He spreads them wide and takes a step forward, positioning between them so that there's barely any space between our intimate parts. I raise my eyebrow, waiting for his next step.

"I would love to have sex with you," he starts. "But let's be honest, it's way too soon for us and you probably aren't ready for it." His tone is very serious, soft and genuine. An embarrassment rushes through me and I need a couple of breaths to calm it down.

"What did I do to deserve you," I quietly speak. "I know it sounds cheesy, but like seriously." I put a subtle smile on my lips before I wrap my hands around him and lightly squeeze him. "By the way," I almost whisper. "I'm not that innocent." A feel him chuckle under my arms before he pulls me out my embrace.

"You ain't?" An amusement takes over his face, his hand reaches for mine while I curve a side of my lips into an answer.

I shake his touch off me and make my way on the floor.

"Tuesday after school?" I playfully ask him.

"Sure, I finish at 3." He replies as he sits down on his chair. "Meet me at the Choi Cafe."

"Will do." I confirm his words while my mind is already bursting out of excitement. I place a kiss on his lips and leave his room to spend some time on my own, even though my inner voices beg me to spend more time with him.

I throw myself on my bed, pulling my phone out of my pocket immediately, texting Hoseok and Namjoon. They are the only ones who know about my crush on Yoongi, so I bet they would be more then happy to hear the recent events.

You: Hoseok!!! Yoongi and I are going out!!

I close our conversation and scroll down to find Namjoon's contact.

You: Yoongi and I are going out!!

I lock my phone and place it next to me, a smile decorating my face. I take a small notebook out of my nightstand's drawer and a pencil. I always keep it there just in case I'm in a mood for a sketch or if a brilliant idea sparks in my head. I open it on a blank page and start sketching. I'm not sure what my final product is going to be so I just go with the flow with my creativity. I sketch a back side of a person, the one being a girl, running towards the sun that's just before the sunset.

I look at the somehow finished product. I only now notice how she isn't reaching for the sun, her arms effortlessly flow next to her body. She isn't running to catch the sun that's soon going to disappear in the sea, the sun is already within her. I write underneath the sketch as a finishing touch that perfectly resembles the piece.

I close the notebook and return it to its place. I glance a look at my desk that's full of my still unopened presents. I don't need a second thought to decide whether it's time to open them or not. I move my body to get up and sit by my desk, grabbing the first bag. By the tag on it, I find out it was given to me by Jin and Jiyun. I take a look in it and there are a couple of things. I reach for the first one. As I pull it out, I find out it is a palette-shaped key chain. The other thing in the bag is a plastic box with a cactus in it. There's a note at the bottom of the bag, like they knew I will be opening my presents without them.

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