twenty six

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It's the part of the morning when our time shows 6 am, making the system on my phone turn on my alarm to help wake up my senses and start the day that's ahead of me. I press the button that stops the annoying buzz like it's in my habit. I roll on my back after I turn on the lights, rubbing my eyes to help them adjust to the sudden brightness. Feeling tired yet good about myself, a word 'boyfriend' crosses my mind. It's a new feeling that rushes trough me with the thought, a nice, comforting one. It has been long since I last had a boyfriend. But it's nice, waking up with a thought you have a person you care about and that cares about you as well.

The space next to me is empty meaning I woke up alone. I can hear the sounds of running water in the background so I assume Yoongi is taking a shower.

Thinking about whether I should get up and join him or stay in the warm embrace of my bed, I decide on the last option and close my heavy sleepy eyelids. Just 5 more minutes.

"Hey, wake up sleepyhead," a cozy morning voice and a light caress down my jawline focuses my blurred mind. After an ice cold realization that I fell back asleep, a sudden feeling of annoyance and panic takes over my expression and emotions. Crap.

"What time is it?" I irritatingly ask my boyfriend who is sitting next to me on the bed.

"It's 6:20," he replies, a cheeky smile spread on his lips. That's not too bad. I calm down over the fact I'm not going to be running late.

"What's with that smile," I smirk at him, changing my attitude from irritated and worried to flirty.

"Oh nothing," he innocently replies and curves the sides of his lips up. I only now notice his presence displaying his almost naked body, wearing nothing but his boxers. I lift myself up to lean on my arm and to be as close to his hearing organ as possible to be able to whisper a tease.

"If you woke me up earlier, you might give me some time to touch you," I spice up the dull mood of the room, sparkling fireworks of lust in his eyes while keeping a distance between our bodies, just to tease some more.

"I'm an idiot," he sarcastically complains, lowing his head to eye my chest. What a mistake he did, I wear my oversized T-shirt that gives very little signs of my cleavage being there.

"I know the logo on my shirt looks cool but please stop staring at it," I say looking at his hair. His still very wet hair. I remind myself to not let him dry his hair ever.

"You got me there," he responds finding my eyes. I giggle at our joke, turning my expression serious after.

"Thank you for opening to me yesterday," I say. He genuinely and a bit upset smiles at me. "I really appreciate it."

"Thank you for listening," he replies calmly, reaching for my body to press against him, hugging me tightly before he lets me go seconds later. "Thanks for opening yourself for me as well," he adds smirking. I cock my eyebrows at his last sentence, not understanding what he meant. It clicks in my head a second later.

"Yah!" I embarrassedly raise my voice, covering my red cheeks under the sheet. He giggles at me and ruffs my hair.

"I never thought I would say this, but you look so cute," he says, smiling widely. I roll my eyes at his cheesiness and then remove the sheet off me, deciding it is time to quickly get ready.

I take some basic pieces out of my closet and put them on while Yoongi does the same with his clothes that are laying on the edge of my bed.

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