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5 years later, a day in June

It's a rather perfect day today. There's not a single cloud in the sky, making sure that the sun is out in its whole glory, sending golden rays on the Earth's surface. It's warm, but not hot, and bright, but not enough for you to be in need of sunglasses.

Saturdays are my favorite day of the week. It's the day I can fully relax from my job and spend some quality time with my husband. We usually stay at our house and watch movies (and do other fun stuff) or go for a walk to the near park.

And since today is such a beautiful day, we decided for a walk. This explains why I'm sitting on a wooden bench at the moment.

I'm scrolling through my business account on Instagram when a message is delivered to the device, its arrival making a bell sound. I click on the  notification before it disappears on the notification board and the message app opens.

Jimin: Hey Y/N! Long 😏 time no see! Are you free tomorrow to get a drink with me and my boyfriend? Yoongi can come as well of course 😁

I smile to myself reading his message, thinking how he never changed. Maybe matured a bit. A bit.

I do miss Jimin, we haven't seen each other in like a month, but we did stay in touch. It turned out he's bisexual and the memory of him coming out will never fail to make me laugh, I can remember it clearly.

It happened someday during the spring break 5 years ago. Our whole group of friends, Jin, Jiyun, Hoseok, Tae, Yoongi and I were having a nice evening, had a couple of drinks and chatted, when suddenly Jimin cleared his throat, asking for attention. He announced it simply, he just said "I'm bisexual," with a shy smile. The room went even more quiet for a second, before Yoongi shrugged and remarked "Yeah, we know." The face on Jimin's face, full of surprise, amusement and shock is imprinted on my memory forever.

Now he's in a happy relationship with a boy for about 6 months and they are so cute together. I sometimes wonder how can Jimin see when his eyes always disappear from his face from smiling when he's around.

I decide to reply to him later, I need to ask Yoongi, just in case if he has other plans for us tomorrow. Jimin can't see I left him on read anyway.

I'm back on scrolling though Instagram when my phone starts ringing.

"Hey!" I happily greet the person as I take the call.

"Hi Y/N!!"

"How can I help you Jungkook?"

"Nothing, just wondering if you told Yoongi yet?" he asks, excitement clear in the tone of his voice.

"No," I answer him, giggling. "Is that it?"

"Yeah," he replies, faking being upset.

"Okay," I laugh. "How are you thought?"

I smile again, having flashback. I still remember the days when he was in hospital after he got into an accident. I remember visiting him, hoping he will recover, and possibly quickly. And he did, after a week of coma, that happened really unexpectedly, he got his senses and health back pretty quickly. I was so happy and grateful, and still am. I can't imagine losing a sunshine like him.

"I'm fine, just a little stressed," he answers honestly. I can't blame him, I would be stresses as hell as well if I was planning on proposing.

"She'll say yes, don't worry," I encourage him.

"Thanks Y/N," I can sense his smile on the other side of the line.

"No problem. Anyways, I need to go, Yoongi is coming."

"Okay, bye!"

"Bye Jungkook, I'll call you soon!" I say and hang up.

I get up and start walking towards Yoongi, getting nearer and nearer his beautiful wide smile.

"Here," he happily remarks and gives me one of the cones. I place a kiss on his lips before thanking him.

"Jimin just texted me, are we free tomorrow?" I ask him as we start walking.

"Yeah," he answers. "I haven't seen him in a long time."

I smile again and take my device out of my pocket and quickly reply to Jimin's text, confirming our meeting together, feeling excited already.

I've been feeling very emotional these days and also craved, what others would label as, weird foods. Sickness is a part of my morning as well. As soon as I connected the two and two together, I've been quite sure of the result. It took me a couple of days to confirm it. Now I'm sure and happy, it's just that my beloved husband has no idea about becoming a dad just yet.

We're holding hands while walking back home. The ice creams are already gone now that we're by the children's playground and we were walking for maybe 5 minutes.

I'm admiring and absorbing the nature around me when my gaze lands on Yoongi because he suddenly stopped.

What's wrong? I'm about to ask him but close my mouth just before the words leave my mouth.

Yoongi's starring at the playground, his loving gaze directed right at a little girl that's playing in the sand.

My heart jumps a little and I smile.

A golden glow the sun's giving his skin makes the sight even better. There's a small curve at the end of his lips and his hand almost doesn't hold mine anymore. It's almost like his in trans, in his small little world of little Yoongis and Y/Ns running on the playground.

His expression quickly falls, as if he realized that's not his reality. And here's the part when I decide to get that golden smile back.

"Hey, Yoongi," I softly call him.

"Mhm?" he mumbles, still staring at the little girl.

"Can you imagine having a small kid running around our house some day in the future?" I ask him, the tone is clearly colored with the smile that's on my lips.

He simply shrugs, but I know he can and wishes for.

"What if I told you there's going to be one in nine months?"

His head snaps in my direction as he looks me in my eyes.

"Really?" he breaths out, it is clear he can't believe my words.

I nod and widely smile. His eyes become glossy from tears that layer over them. He carefully wraps his hand around me and squeezes me under his arms tightly. Then he places a kiss on my forehead and then connects together our lips into a long, happy and full-of-love kiss.

"I love you so much Y/N," he says when he meets out gazes once again and smirks. "But I'm going to love our child even more so don't get too jealous."

I smile again before I reply with a sweet tone.

"You're going to be an amazing dad."

And now the story has really ended!
Thank you again for everyone that took their time to read it, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I loved writing it :)
I love you ❤️
Check out my second book: Unsafe Heaven!

You, Han Jaerin, are an agent. One day, a murder happened, but this one is way more difficult to solve than anyone before because there're no clues you can work with. But of course, you take the challenge.
While you're solving the case, meeting potential suspects and analyzing information, you happen to fall in love. He's handsome, he's funny, he's kind. And he loves you, too.
Until one day, everything you thought you knew became a lie.

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