twenty eight

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A twist?

"I'll be home in 10 minutes," I tell Tae, and without a goodbye, hang up. The news shook me to the point where my mind can't work properly. I stand still for a moment and blankly stare at the wall in front of me, trying to sink the news in. The next second they hit me. Fear and worry rush through every cell of my body, my hands start shaking and my mind panically starts searching for an idea, a solution, something. But there's nothing, just darkness and fear.

I realize the next moment I told Tae I would be home in 10 minutes. What was I thinking?! There's no way I can make it home in that small amount of time.

I hold on to the straps of my backpack, taking a deep breath to get ready for a sprint but also to calm down a bit. The next second I find myself running out of the school's front door. I don't care for all the looks that are currently on me and just run, run as fast as my legs let me. The street I usually peacefully walk on and spend some time window shopping at is now a blurry vision in the corners of my eyes while my focus remains on the ground only to make sure I don't trip over a rock or any other obstacle that might be on my way.

I'm halfway to my apartment and my lungs are burning, I'm gasping for air while my brain is trying to convince me take a rest. And it does, I stop and lean on my knees, breathing so heavily I sound like a whale. I'm so tired, but I need to continue. I realize I might be slightly overreacting, but at the end of the day, this depends on whether I'll become homeless or not.

I look up, my gaze following the long street ahead of me. Just a little bit more Y/N, you're not far away from the apartment. I encourage myself before I start catching up my fast pace once again.

A couple of minutes later I arrive at the apartment block I live in, at least for now.

I stop on front of my door and panically start searching through my backpack, struggling to find the keys of the apartment while I gasp for air to get the oxygen my body is in need of from the physical activity I just preformed.

When I successfully unlock the door and get in, the first thing I notice is not what I was expecting.

There's not a single sign of life in it. The hallway is dark and only lightly illuminated by living room's natural source of light that peaks through. Everything's completely quiet, the only thing that's heard is my loud breathing. I shoot a confused look and place my stuff on the floor, hang my coat and slip out of my shoes.

I almost tip-toe to the living area which is, again, in a state that would easily make me believe no one lives here in case this wasn't my home.

I head to my room, passing the now unsurprisingly silent kitchen to Tae's room.

But Tae isn't there. I'm even more confused and even more worried at this point. A rush of the worst possible scenarios are created in my mind but I put the thoughts away because I really don't want, or need, any more anxious feelings at the moment.

I'm about to take my phone out of my pocket but I change my mind and check if he's maybe in the bathroom.

He's not.

I peak into Yoongi's room but there's still not a sign of him. Or Yoongi.

I return to the living area and sit down on the couch before I call Tae.

Just as I'm about to press 'call', someone knocks on the door. I tiredly sigh and get up, leaving my phone behind on the couch.

"Hi babe," Yoongi playfully greets me. My tired, confused, scared and now frustrated self lets out a sigh that contains all my emotions above before I speak.

"I'm not in the mood for anything relationship related right now," I say leaning on the door with my left arm, lowering my head. "We have a situation if you haven't been informed." Yoongi chuckles at my response, making me loose my temper. "Why are you laughing?!!! This is serious!!!" I yell at him, but he laughs at me, making me really angry. I'm about to yell again, but he shuts me up with his hand over my mouth.

"Surprise Y/N, you have been pranked," he chuckles again. I expected my blood to boil after my brain processes his words, but it doesn't. Instead, a shook expression is spread over my face while my hand leaves the door that it was leaning on to be dropped down next to my hip.

"What?" I confusedly ask.

"Surprise!" Yoongi chuckles, leaving my favorite grin on his lips after. So many comments are created in my head but not even one leaves my throat, at least not in this moment, so my mouth stays shut. "I know you are a bit shocked and confused, but trust me, we are not becoming homeless," he adds seriously.

"Why is it then..." I start forming a question, but Yoongi seems to know the continuation of my words so he interrupts me with pushing us inside of the apartment and shutting the door behind us, only to press his soft lips on mine for a split second.

"I wanted to surprise you," he simply answers. "I would like to take you somewhere."

Even though I'm trying to convince myself to be mad at him, I can't be. He took his time to plan this prank only to prepare something special for me. The thought alone makes butterflies in my stomach and puts a wide smile on my face. It's a small thing but definitely one of the most precious things anyone has ever done to me and it makes my heart warm from it.

"That's... so nice of you," I stop for a moment to think of my next step. "But I'll never forgive you for making me sprint from school, I feel like my lungs are going to burst from breathing this heavily," I giggle at my statement and brighten the already nice atmosphere with it. I then move my hands from his chest to wrap them around his neck and kiss him to show him how much his action means to me. He gladly returns the kiss, hugging me tighter around my waist.

"You never seem to complain about that when I do this," he says while one of his hands slide down to my crotch, lightly stroking it.

I let out a sound that's a mixture of a groan and a sigh.

Not letting him do anything else or anything more, I unwrap my hands behind his neck and place them back on his chest, only to push him away from me.

"So, where are you taking me?"

(A/N): Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy the story 😁
I must say that the story is slowly coming to an end, but don't worry, there a still quite a few chapters to come. Love you ❤️

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