thirty seven (final)

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Two months later

The breezy yet tepid autumn days slowly unfolded into cold, snow-full winter ones, making a cup of coffee or hot chocolate a must every day, as well as warm hats and gloves.

It's always a pleasure opening a window every morning after I wake up to mix the hot air with the freezing one, the stuffy one with the fresh one that creates goosebumps on my skin as a reminder of a start of a new day.

Of course, not every day was perfect, but I tried to embrace every one either way.

The college is going good, it's a little stressful right now because the exam season is coming very soon, but I think I learned how to manage everything, making things a bit easier.

The room I came in to sleep or relax is no longer what it used to be, it's my study room now. I kinda miss my bed that's a huge loner now, but spending every night with Yoongi makes up for my absence in it. His warm, homey embrace never fails to end my day nicely, with a feeling of safety and being cared for, might even as well loved.


I didn't get the chance to tell him how strongly I feel about him yet. I'm not saying that I need freaking fireworks, roses and all that cheesy romantic stuff for that, only the perfect moment, which hasn't occurred just yet.

Our relationship is stronger then ever, I feel Yoongi's trust radiating on me whenever he breaths the same air as me and I'm beyond happy about it because I know his relationship with it and his past.

We got in to a smaller fights here and there, but every strong relationship has those, right?

He took me on dates regularly, and I managed to take him out a couple of times as well. His golden smile is probably permanently imprinted on my brain, his kisses on my lips and on other rather sinful places as well. His touches remain heavenly, his smirks deadly, but most importantly, he makes my heart beat a little faster, my smile a little wider.

My friendships deepened as well and a couple of new ones were created.

Hoseok has met his other half, they've been dating for almost a month now. She's very pretty and simple with her staple look, consisting of jeans and a T-shirt, her straight dark brown hair and red lips. She's his reason to laugh louder and cry a little harder, and I couldn't be happier for him.

Seokjin and Jiyun are still together, practically married at this point. I'm seeing only now how close they actually are, closer than best friends. There might be an interesting story behind it, but I never asked about it. Maybe sometime in the future.

Tae has created a small group of friends from school. He was really nervous at the beginning of their friendship at first, but eventually started feeling he can trust them and soon enough, they became almost inseparable. I think he feels very confident these days and very inspired, enjoying his life to the fullest. He comes home smiling like an idiot everyday and immediately starts telling me about his day with sparkles in his eyes. I sort of feel like Tae is my little brother, I really care about him a lot and the change in his life definitely could make happy tears form in my eyes.

Namjoon hasn't changed much this two months, he remains the adorable dork with his signature dimples, quoting random wise words he has read. However, he started writing his own book and he's always telling me how he's had a writer block or how unsatisfied he is with it sometimes, but, most importantly, how much joy it brings him. I'm so excited for the day when the book will be published.

Jimin is... well, still Jimin. His dirty jokes are never ending along with teasing. I got the feeling he might be into boys recently, but that's probably just a feeling, maybe it's just the new sense of humor he developed recently. I'm not complaining though, I'm craping my pants with his jokes from day to day. And he also probably will never stop nagging about Hoseok and his girlfriend Yuri, don't get me started on things that are spilling out of his mouth about their... closeness I should say. I seriously need to help him get laid, maybe that will stop him for a little bit. Not that my help is needed, his looks can make every girl fall on her knees, so I guess I just need to hint him.

But not all of us got a happy ending.

Jungkook got into a car accident about a week ago and is currently in a hospital, supposedly recovering. I visit him whenever I can, he is the first friend I had. My heart shatters whenever I think of his injured pale face and figure laying on the hospital bed. I need him to recover quickly and continue his life, making us laugh, teasing me about being 10 days younger than him and just generally having his teeth on display most of the time. The doctors said that his condition isn't exactly critical, but that doesn't mean he's going to recover. The last time I visited him he weakly smiled and I felt relief rushing through my body, filling me with hope. Stay strong Jungkookie.

Going back to reality, I'm currently sitting on the kitchen counter, quietly munching on chocolate chip cookies, my midnight snack while both of my roommates are asleep.

I'm looking though the window at night Seoul, the bright city lights and cars passing by, feeling very calm and peaceful.

I can feel someone's presence in the room some time later. He doesn't say a thing, I can only slightly hear his breathing in the distance.

Slowly turning my head to see who it is and to feed my curiosity, a pair of dark yet warm eyes stare at me as if mesmerized. As I connect the eyes with their owner, Yoongi, a small smile forms on my lips. He steps next to me and lets me wrap my hands around him and rest my head on top of his. He's even warmer than usual since he just got from under the sheets. He slowly starts rocking as if he's trying to comfort me.

The action fills my lungs full of adrenaline as I finally got the feeling of saying the words that have been waiting to be spoken out loud. The moment came and I feel euphoric. It truly feels perfect.

I bring his chin up and look deeply into his eyes, seeing the whole universe inside them and him. Him for who he is, all his flaws and all his passions, traits. I lean in and kiss his lips, softly and carefully transferring my whole love on them. I deepen the kiss a little bit, trying to show even more how much I care for him.

As I pull away, my heart beats fast, nervously and happily at the same time, before I simply and slowly roll the three words off my lips.

"I love you Yoongi. So much."

I close my eyes tightly and press out brows together, keeping him close to me.

"Shouldn't be me the one to say it first?" he chuckles and I smile. "I think I love you too Y/N."

And then, he kisses me again.

And this is the end of the story everyone! It came so quickly and I'm so thankful for every read ❤️ I love you soooo much
ps: check out my new book: Unsafe Heaven! :)


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