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A part or my brain decides that it's time for my body to wake up. My mind is slowly awakening as I open my eyes to the naturally illuminated room. As usually, I refuse to get up immediately, the warmth under the sheets and Yoongi's soft embrace are making me feel way too good and relaxed to do so.

I move my gaze from the window to the boy who is still asleep next to me, a subtle smile spreading on my lips. A strand of hair covers his eyes so I reach out to tuck it behind his ear, the back of my hand brushing the soft skin of the brow.

I carefully move away from him to get up. When I finally do so, I make sure to tuck him in so that he remains warm and comfortable in his position. I tip-toe to the door and quietly slip out the room, making my way to my own.

As I'm brushing my hair in the mirror, I can't stop from questioning myself if this is the reality or not, even though the answer is very clear. Smiling widely at this point, I tuck my hair behind my ears and change out of my pajamas.

Too lazy to make my own breakfast, I put my wallet and phone into the pocket of my jeans and head out, walking straight to the coffee shop down the street.

With the time being around 9 am, the cafe is pretty full. The staff rushes from one side of the place to another, making sure that everyone gets their order while the customers casually sip on their coffee, read newspapers and/or chat. I notice an empty table by the counter and hurry over it so I can occupy it before someone else does. I sit down and take the menu into my hands, quickly scanning through it.

As I do so, my phone makes a sound in my pocket. It's a message from Namjoon.

Namjoon: how did it go

I shoot a confused look at the screen before I reply.

Me: How did go what?

I press send and mute the device before I place it on the table. I notice a waitress approaching me with a bright smile spread on her face. I place my order, a coffee and two chocolate croissants, and then check if Namjoon has answered my text.

A notification for three messages appear when I unlock my phone, but neither of them are from Namjoon. I open the first two, coming from Jimin.

Jimin: Hey, a quick question - why the hell have I just found a pile of your clothes in our basket for wash?
Jimin: If you and Hoseok rubbed against each other yesterday when I was absent, I demand to be informed the next time you do, I wanna join. 😏

I press my lips hard together, trying not to laugh out loud. I take a few deep breaths to calm down the sudden urge for laughing and type my answer.

Me: My crotch is in pain from yesterday,
Hoseok is such a daddy
Me: But for real, the first night when you were out with your
friends, we did dares and Hoseok and I had to switch clothes and forgot to return since then.

Jimin: Oh...
Jimin: You are boring hahhaha, I really wished for some juicy news.

Me: Sorry, too bad
Me: I'll bring his clothes sometime today, be hoe

Jimin: Don't worry, I'll always be your hoe 😏

Me: Home*!!!!

Jimin: Yeah, yeah, I know
Jimin: I'll be home, come whenever you wish

Me: Okay, thanks

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