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A girl friend

Another week has passed, this one being nothing special. I stayed home with Yoongi and Tae the whole time. Through the day we minded our own business, I was painting or drawing most of the time because I really feel inspired these days. I don't know what Yoongi and Tae were doing, all I know is they didn't go out, except Tae once, to buy us groceries. In the evening we had a meal together and later watched a movie or played different board games.

During the night, when I was laying in my bed falling asleep I thought about Yoongi a lot, about his face, how he does things and about my favorite moments of ours. As cheesy as it sounds, I can't help it. I have fully accepted that I like him and it feels nice, even thought I should probably get over it and move on. But I don't want to. My sixth sense tells me not to. I'm glad after that evening with Namjoon everything went more or less back to normal between us. But until now, we still haven't talked about 'the complicated thing' he mentioned that evening. As much as I'm curious to find out, I resist the question to be spoken out loud and just make theories on my own.

Right now, I'm with Tae at Jin's. He invited us over because he recently started to experiment in the kitchen and he wanted us to be the first to try his attempts. Yoongi was invited too but he declined because he wanted to stay home and write music.

Tae and I are sitting on the couch, I'm hysterically laughing at a joke Jin just told us while Tae is about to shove his head through the wall. I know he found that pun hilarious too but I guess he just really wants to be 'cool'.

"It's almost ready!" Shouts Jin so we get up and join him in the kitchen. "Sit down!" He orders as soon as he sees us.

We sit down, waiting. The room is wrapped in the nice smell of the chicken Jin prepared today. I hope it tastes just as good.

A minute later Jin comes to the table and serves the dish. It's a roasted chicken with baked potatoes and vegetables. It looks delicious.

"Thanks Jin, you did good job!" I cheer so he turns shy.

"Ah, no problem. Try it!" He says. I take the fist bite and I'm honestly impressed.

"Are you sure you made this the first time today? Because it's good," Comments Tae.

"No, I tried it twice before," Jin laughs in response.

"I thought so," replies Tae.

We eat what we were served and then we together clean up the dishes. When we finish, we collectively agree on watching a move.

While we argue on what movie we are going to watch, a doorbell rings.

"I'll go get it," Tae volunteers and jumps of the couch.

I expect that Yoongi gave up and joined us, but instead of him, Tae comes to the room with a girl. And that girl is really pretty. She's a bit smaller than Tae and fit. Her straight dark brown hair passes her shoulders and is tucked behind her ears. Her face is literally decorated with plump lips and high cheekbones. There's a huge suitcase in her hands. Oh, that must be Jiyun! I match the two and two together.

As Jin's eyes meet with her, he's soon off the couch in her arms. He hugs her tightly and presses his lips against hers.

"I missed you too," Jiyun lightly laughs in his arms. Tae and I awkwardly stand there and wait for then to finish doing their thing.

"Why haven't you called me you arrived?! I would come and pick you up at the airport!" Jin scolded her, a bight, huge smile still on his lips.

"I wanted to surprise you," she says and pecks his lips once again and then turns to me. "Hi! I have meet Taehyung, who are you?" She asks me with friendly smile on her lips.

"I'm Y/N, nice to meet you! I'm Tae's roommate," I introduce myself and reach for her hand to shake. But instead of a handshake, she lightly hugs me.

"I'm so happy to meet you, Jin told me how nice you are." I slightly blush at her words, moving from one foot to the other one.

"Ah, you're too nice," I say. "Jin told us a lot about you too. More like praised you," I giggle and so does she. I notice Jin in the background smiling at the scene.

"Jiyunah, let me help you with your luggage," says Jin, grabbing her suitcase. She nods and without further ado he takes the suitcase into their room while the three of us sit down.

"We were just about to watch a movie," tells Tae Jiyun.

"I see I came on time then!" Cheerfully replies Jiyun. Soon after Jin comes back and takes a seat by Jiyun, holding her around her waist. He lets her choose a movie and without complaining, we watch what she selects.

I must say, I admire Jiyun. She's really cheerful and full of energy. I love how genuinely she likes Jin back. Or loves, I don't know which word to use. It's cute how they both look so comfortable around each other, they're like best friends. He holds her around her waist while her head is resting on his shoulder.

The movie is half way through and I start feeling like I'm an intruder here. I feel like me and Tae should leave and let the couple be alone.

"You know what," I say suddenly. "Tae, let's go home, we should let Jin and Jiyun have some time on their own since Jiyun just came back home."

"Oh, you don't need to do that," Jiyun says.

"But we will anyway, you two deserve some time alone," I smile. Tae opens his mouth and because I know exactly what's going to come out of it, I glare at him, warningly.

"Yeah, she's right," he says and I sigh in relief.

Jiyun nods while Jin gets up to take us to the front door.

"You really didn't have to do that," Jin says before he closes the door.

"Thank me later," I say and playfully wink and him which cause him to smirk and nod.

I think I don't need to have a huge imagination to predict what happened after we left. I'm thankful for the thick walls in between apartments. That's all I can say about that.

Since the time wasn't so late, Tae and I went to his room and chatted for a while, until we felt sleepy. I was happy to heart that he doesn't feel sad anymore from the loss of his girlfriend, especially now that he witnessed a happy couple. He's thankful for the new friends he gained.

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