thirty five

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Glad and wet

I watch the red liquid on the tiled floor being washed away together with my worries and fear. I feel almost like I was set free from a dark underground cave out to the sunny grass field. Relief flows like electricity though my body, painting a genuine smile on my lips.

Everything came out all right and I can not be more happy.

It's not that I didn't want to be a mom, because that surely is something I want to become in the future, but right now I'm still so young and before I become one, I want to experience life first. Travel around, visit coffee shops, attend parties, laugh with my friends. And successfully finish college and possibly get my dream job.

Two strong hands hold my hips and bring our bodies closer. Yoongi transfers a gentle kiss on the back of my neck, making the moon shape of my lips even bigger.

"Yoongi..." I gently say in a tone that clearly expresses my facial expression.

"Yeah?" the word smoothly rolls off his lips that are still almost pressed again my skin.

"Good news, we don't need to go get the pills," I confidently tell him even thought I'm kind of uncomfortable. Let's face it, talking about your period with your boyfriend isn't really the most enjoyable thing in the universe.

He creates more space between us and turns me around to serve me his rather confused look instead of using words.

"I... uh, I just got my period," the words uncomfortably leave my throat but I give him a small smile to show my happiness of the good turn of the events.

An silent 'oh' appears on his lips, leaving a silence behind. For a second, the only thing that's heard is the water running down our bodies.

He slowly hugs my body, holding me tighter with each following moment. In return I wrap my hand around his neck, accepting the comfort he's giving me.

The action itself says more than his words could and I'm so happy I could shed a tear or two if I wanted to.

"I'm so happy with the turn of the events," is the first thing he says, adding a smile to really empathize his words.

"Me too," I tell him and stop the water from running to take a soap in my hands and start spreading it over Yoongi's chest.

"Don't get me wrong, I think I want kids at some point in my life but not now," he remarks, the tone being laced with uneasiness and honesty.

I nod and continue spreading the shampoo over his body, cleansing it.

Should I tell him I love him? The question crosses my mind. The moment oddly feels right.

He brings my chin up to meet our gazes and places a delicate kiss on my lips. The sweet tase of his minty toothpaste quickly reaches my senses, awakening them and forcing them into further action. I deepen the kiss, adding more passion to it. He smirks under our pressed lips and brings his hands up to my face, cupping it gently while I wrap my hands around him. He slowly pushes me back until my spine meets the wall. I shiver at the contact with the cold tiles, but the coolness quickly fades away with the fire playing on my lips and skin.

I reach with one of my hands to the wall, searching for the pipe. When I feel the silver thing, my fingertips find the handle, turn it and let the water splash over our heads.

Yoongi uses his tongue to trace a line on my lower lips like he always does when he wishes for the access to my mouth. A moan escapes my lips when the muscle brushes agains mine, caressing it gently. Groans are heard from his mouth too, blessing my ears and hormones.

Before we could do anything else, I place my hands on his chest and split us apart. I look straight into his dark eyes that reflect lust and temptation.

He licks his swollen pink lips turned into a smirk.

That's a view that always makes me want to roll my head back and invite his his lips to connect with my neck and let them leave blue marks on it.

I manage to resist it this time and let ourselves catch a bit of air.

"Coffee and toast for breakfast?" I playfully ask.

"I think I want to eat something else today," he answers with his eyes scanning my naked body and a smirk.

Don't worry he's teasing, that would be gross haahhah
We are almost at 3k reads!! Thank you so much for everyone who's reading this story, it means a lot! ❤️❤️


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