thirty six

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"You are so gross," I give a disgusted face and turn around to stop the running water.

"Would you say the same if I was a vampire?"

I can sense a smirk on his lips that was caused by the question and a possible wiggle of his eyebrows.

I slap my forehead, hard, and he bursts out laughing. I press my lips tighter together into a pout while I can practically feel my eyes murdering him.

If only he wasn't laughing, my gaze might even succeed.

"Shut up," I remark as I step out of the shower and grab a towel to dry my body, carefully so I don't stain it.

Yoongi, whose smile is still up to the sky, leaves the glass block as well, running the soft white cloth over his sculpted body. He ruffles his dark hair with it at the end, leaving the dark pile of organized mess on his head to air-dry while I wrap mine in the fabric and open the drawer, searching for a tampon I can use.

I hide one of the cotton rolls securely in my palm and turn around, feeling my cheeks turn a shade pinker before the words are spilled out of my mouth.

"Can you, uh, leave the bathroom to me for a bit," my uneasy voice asks him.

"Sure, but you don't have to be embarrassed, I was just thinking about buying us a..." he starts, but I can predict his further words due to his very good mood, and stop him before they could hurt my ears.

"Stop!!" I raise my voice, waving in front of my face while shaking my head.

He finds himself hilarious once again and with laughing his lungs out leaves the bathroom.

I let myself smile just after the door behind him is fully closed and then I go back to getting myself to look not-bloody and presentable.


The familiar scent of coffee fills my nostrils as soon as I step into the coffee shop and step in the line.

Yoongi stands next to me with his hands in his jeans' pockets.

While we're waiting to order, I watch him observing the place, its decorations and people who are chatting with each other. He's probably listening to the music that's giving the shop a calm and friendly atmosphere as well.

His eyes emanate the calm and neutral mood he's in, but if you look closely enough, you notice a layer of tiredness glazed over them, since there's no usual silver sparkle in their corners. And I am looking closely enough.

It feels good to know that it wasn't just me who didn't sleep very well last night. His tired eyes also show that he cares and my heart jumps from the thought. It's nice knowing you are cared for by someone who means a lot to you.

Thinking made me stare the wall that's right in front of me like I was dead which I didn't even realize until Yoongi reaches for my hand and intertwines our finger together.

A small shiver shakes my body back to reality. I turn my head to look at my boyfriend once again, grinning widely at him when my eyes send a message to my brain that he's smiling at me as well.

"You look really pretty today," he compliments, tightening his fingers around mine.

"Thank you Yoongi," I warmly smile at him, accepting the lovable words that speed up my heart beat.

Why are you so nice today though, I ask myself but do not dare the question to leave my mind to possibly ruin the lovely mood he's in or the moment.

He pulls me closer to him with the hand that's holding mine and presses his silky-to-touch lips against mine, transferring his love on them.

I would usually feel embarrassed or uncomfortable with public touches, but this moment, I would stab someone to make the moment last longer. And to brag a little about my boyfriend. A little.

The women that's in front of us just payed her coffee, so it's now our turn to order.

"Hello, what can I serve you with?" the young male barista welcomes us with a wide grin on his lips.

"One cream latte and one americano, please," I order and smile.

"Okay," the barista replies and turns around, grabbing two cups for on the go and starts preparing our order. Yoongi meanwhile stops holding my hand to find his wallet in his pocket. When I notice his action I quickly and a bit too harshly for my liking raise my voice.

"Oh, stop! It's okay, I'll pay!" Yoongi looks at me and smirks.

"I can't change your mind, right?"

"Nope," I emphasize the 'p', smiling at him like a little high school girl.

"I'll pay for the breakfast then," he says with an almost unnoticeable shrug.

Before I could oppose him again, the barista places our orders on the counter, making me focus on him and pay for the coffees. He steps next to the cash register, thumbing some buttons on its touchscreen screen.

"That would be 5$," he states and I nod before starting to collect the change.

I place the coins in his palm which he quickly counts and stores into the money-drawer under the computer. He hands me the receipt and thanks us for the order.

While I'm trying to shove the piece of paper in my wallet, Yoongi pulls me aside to let the person behind us make her order.

When I'm finally set, we leave the place.

The breeze brushes my round cheeks. Since it rained last night, the atmosphere is very fresh and colder the usual, just like I love it to be.

I take the coffee in both my hands, warming them up.

"Are you cold?" Yoongi asks me after glancing at me.

"It's okay, just a bit colder than usual," I tell. Right after the words leave my mouth a cold wind blows, making me shiver.

Yoongi chuckles and steps closer to me. He takes my scarf in his hands, tugging it and more tightly wraps it around my neck. He brings his hand to my chin and brings it up to meet our gazes and leans in, kissing me softly. And just like that, fire spreads over my lips, warming up each cell my body consists of and quickly, the cold is long forgotten.

I place my hands around his hips and bring our bodies closer together, kissing him back with all the love I can provide.

"You really can't lie," he says when our lips disconnect. My solid body almost melts when he smiles brightly with a pink color on his cheeks that was caused my the wind.

"I'm not hungry," I tease and he smirks looking down at his shoes.

I almost lose my mind when he looks up at me with the same smirk playing on his lips.

"Too bad, I am. Accompany me anyways? " he says, but already knows the answer.

Some fluff this time hehe
Also this was written from the grave, the concept photos got me dead.
Thank you so much for 3k! We did it!! Thank you all for reading the story, I love you! ❤️


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