Chapter Eight: Confused

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"Hazel, time to wake up." I hear someone say, confused to who it was.

I open my eyes, slowly, still letting myself get adjusted to the brightness of the room.

"Hazel?" The voice says again and I can't believe I almost forgot my own mother's voice.

"Mom?" I say and sit up to hug her, it's been a few days since I've seen her.

"How've you been?" I ask and look over to my alarm clock on the night stand. It read 1 o'clock pm. Luckily for me, it was Saturday and I didn't have to worry about being late for school.

I found it weird how school started on a Thursday, why not wait for the following week to make us go to school when we could go the entire week? School confused me.

"You know, busy." She laughs quietly and kisses my forehead.

I smile at my mom, I look just like her. She has beautiful brown hair the stops in the middle of her back but my hair is shorter than hers, not by much. Her eyelashes almost touch the base of her eyebrow every time she opens her eyes and she looked simply beautiful. She wore hardly any make-up and we know for sure that she doesn't need any mascara.

Besides the bags under her eyes, her eyes are exactly like mine: a honey color. When you look at our eyes just right, there is two black specks at the bottom of our iris. It's kind of like my birthmark.

"It's time to get up, I wanted to see you before I leave again."

My smile is quickly replaced with a frown. "Mom, you just got back. Why do you have to leave again?" I flop back down and let my head hit my pillows forcefully.

"They don't call me Busy Susan for nothing." She chuckles and gives me another kiss on my forehead.

I let out a long, sad sigh. I loved my mother but I felt like she was trying to hide how sad she was about my father's death by constantly keeping herself busy. I didn't like it. Before my father's death, she was always happy. She always wanted us to smile and be ourselves.

Now she just says 'hello' and 'goodbye' from time to time and I was getting upset that I wasn't able to talk to my mom on a daily basis. I lost one parent, I don't need to loose the other. The sad thing is that she's not even dead but it certainly feels like it.

She only mentioned my father's death once since he died and it was to tell us we were moving away.

"I miss you mom." I say to simplify the feelings and thoughts in my head.

"I miss you too honey." She offers a soft smile but I can tell she's truly upset.

"I'm going to say bye to Taylor and Liam, I have to be at the airport in an hour. I'll call you tonight when I land in England."

I nod at her before sitting back up to give her a much needed hug.


After my mom left, Taylor and I decided to go get some coffee. We definitely needed it.

She drives us to a local coffee shop and we sit outside it, waiting to go inside after we decided on what we wanted.

"I want just black coffee, I'm not in the mood for anything sweet." Taylor says and stands up from the table we were currently sitting at.

"I think I'm going to get something cold, like the Kahula Mudslide." I followed her inside as we placed our orders and waited for them to bring it back to us.

We grab our drinks and go back the table outside.

"Do you mind taking the car back home?" She asks me and I look at her, wondering how she was going to get home.

"Liam's coming to get me, we're going on a date." She says answering my question.

"Yea, sure. I'll take the car back."

She talks about how difficult it was for her and Liam to act like teacher and student when they were at school. She laughed at bit and mentioned that a lot of "naughty" stories often started with a teacher and a student.

"Taylor, you're fucking weird." I laugh at her and her comment.

"Shut up, you got to admit, it's kind of hot." She looks down at her coffee innocently and I roll my eyes at her.

"Hazel!" A familiar voice shouts.

I turn around to see where it was coming from to see a cute, blonde haired boy waving at me from across the street.

"Ashton!" I shout back and stand up when he's closer to me. He pulls me in for a hug and whispers to me, "Luke's here."

I suddenly become very nervous. After the whole closet and dark room thing, I tried to push it away. I knew Luke was just an asshole, trying to get any type of reaction from me.

"Hi Ashton." Taylor says. Ashton smiles at her before asking her silently if he could join.

"Hazel." Luke said, acknowledging me in the least.

"Luke." I repeat his same flat tone and sit back down.

Luke stares at me before sitting down next to Ashton, straight across from me.

I try to avoid his eye contact and keep my attention on Ashton.

"So what are you guys doing over here?" I ask Ashton who winks at me. I couldn't help but smile whenever I was around him. He's just a bundle of joy and I loved all his happy energy.

"Luke wanted to go to the record store over there." Ashton says while pointing down the street to a small shop on the corner.

"He said something about finding someone to research. You know, the project that's due next Friday." Ashton says and looks over to Luke, then looks back to me.

"Aren't you guys partners?" He questions and I nod my head while Luke doesn't even make an attempt to answer his friend.

"You're actually going to help me?" I ask Luke and he smirks before leaning forward in his chair.

"It's not like I have a choice." He smirks and sits back.

I just can't believe him. I knew the Luke that was in that closet or in that dark room was just something that was too good to be true. I was actually starting to like that Luke, the one who complimented me, the one who kissed me and then acted like a fool. It was kind of cute but this asshole Luke here, makes me forget all about that.

"You chose me to be your partner, just remember that." I say to him as he rolled his eyes.

He stands up and looks at me. "If you want to help me choose the artist we have to research, feel free to join me."

He walks away, leaving both Ashton and Taylor looking at me in disbelief.

(So I was on Omegle last night and was on the 5SOS tab and someone was actually telling people about my story! Thanks so much for that! I appreciate the votes and reads! I hope you guys like this story, let me know what you think! Sorry for the short chapter, I am going to see The Fault in Our Stars soon! :) Thanks you guys! :))

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