Chapter Thirty Two: Those Photos

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I somehow manage to make my way home. I wonder if this is how Taylor felt when Liam cheated on her. No wonder why she didn't talk; it was too much energy to breath.

My phone has been going off like crazy but I can't find it in me to look at who they're from even though I am pretty sure it's from Luke and Taylor.

I curl up in a ball on my bed and I'm no longer crying but thinking about everything. There was a small part of me that believed that I was taking it just a bit far but another part in me was screaming that I should've done something worse to Jessica.

Does this end our relationship? Is this what happened with Liam? You would think this is the end and I swear to God, Luke and I are over if this is true.

I may have over reacted but when someone comes up to you and says that they had a thing with your boyfriend would probably make any girlfriend go crazy.

I hear the door open to the house and the sound of running feet up the stairs. I don't care, I don't want to talk to anyone right now. I don't even want to talk to myself for falling in love with someone that could so easily break my heart.

I can't believe I am in love with Luke, it's a weird feeling. It's like that feeling of relief but panic because you found out something about yourself that you didn't even know.

I wonder how long I loved him, maybe after we became a couple or maybe even before but that pain I was feeling just a little bit ago had to be my heart breaking. It had to be.

"Hazel?" The pain comes shooting back when I find out that it wasn't Taylor that came running up the stairs.

I quickly get off my bed and make my way over to my door. I didn't want him to come in, I didn't want to let anyone in like I let him into my heart.

I reach the door and quickly try to shut it but he blocks me.

"Go away." I whisper to him because I no longer have any energy to yell or cry.

"I won't go away El." Luke says and reaches out for me; trying to pull me to him. I use whatever energy I have left to push him. It didn't do much but make him look at me with pity.

"You don't get to call me that." I say and my heart is hurting again. Actually, I don't think it even stopped hurting but in his presence, it intensified.

"Hazel, please."

"Why did you do this to me Luke?" I ask and begin to cry. Apparently I haven't cried enough as the tears kept falling and Luke stands there. I can tell he's debating his next move by the way his eyes flicker between objects in my room.

"Hazel, I didn't cheat on you."

"You're going to sit there and claim that Luke? After the shit I heard, you're actually going to sit there and claim that you didn't do it?!" I shout at him and sit back on my bed. I just want to sink in my bed and disappear but God hasn't been good to me yet so why start now?

"Hazel, please." He begs and falls to his knees in front of me.

He grabs my hands and I let him but not because I wanted him to but because I can't fight it anymore. I hate him but I love him and it hurts so fucking bad.


"Jessica and I had a thing." He says, interrupting me. I don't say anything as the pain in my heart only seems to increase.

"We had a thing before you came to this school and a bit after you came along." He says and my knees suddenly begin to feel wet and I see that it's my tears as they expand from my thigh to my knee.

"I don't want to hear it." I mumble and move my hands away from him to cover my eyes. I begin to sob uncontrollably. I don't break down much but when I do, Taylor is always there. She's always there to say the right thing to make me smile again and to make me feel like me again. This time, Luke is here. The cause of my pain was kneeling right in front of me, he was only making me feel worse.

"Hazel, I swear to God." He says and I find something in me to look up in his eyes. They're red; pained as I see tears collect in them. He was going to cry.

"Please, just go." I manage to say in between sobs. I was done, this was over. Or at least it was over for now until I could actually think properly.

"Hazel, I love you."

I gasp and my crying ceases, he didn't say that. He didn't mean it, does he think throwing that word around would make me forgive him?

"Don't say something you don't mean." I say back to him; heart crushing even more than before if that was even possible.

"I mean it, Hazel I am in love with you! I lied about her name because I couldn't care for it! I don't care for her, I only care for you because I am so in love with you that you're all I ever think about. I can't think about life without you and I won't let that bitch destroy this; destroy us. Hazel, please." He begs and the tears fall from his eyes.

Am I supposed to believe him, do I say it back?

"It doesn't matter how I feel now. Luke, please leave." I say one last time as the pain momentarily goes away after some what admitting my love for him but comes back as I realized that he could still possibly be at fault.

"Hazel, I'm not leaving. I love you and I am here for you, not for her." He says and tries for my hands again. I don't know why I let him take them this time but I do, maybe my love for him was hard to deny because I really just wanted him to cuddle with me on this bed and forget everything that happened but that doesn't happen in situations like this.

"Luke, I want to forgive you. It's killing me not to," I admit and I cry a bit more as I speak, "but you cheated on me. You broke my heart." I manage to say before the tears consumed me once again.

"I didn't do anything with her once we became a couple. I didn't talk to her once I realized how I wanted to be with you and only you. I ignored her and forgot her once I realized I loved you at the amusement park." He says and Iet him speak because the tears were making it too hard to breath.

"Those pictures? Remember those?" He asks and I give him no response but I do remember them, "I saved them since that day and I carry them everywhere."

He smiles and pulls out his wallet. He opens it up and pulls out our pictures. For the first time in what felt like a long time, I smiled.

I reach in my short's pocket and pulled out my versions of the photos. He smiles at my pictures and I put them back in my pocket.

"See? I love you so much Hazel." He says and kisses my forehead.

"I just need to be left alone." I say and I know I just broke his heart but I needed time to process what just happened.

"Okay, I'll be downstairs. I love you Hazel, don't forget that." He whispers and kisses my forehead again before leaving me alone with my thoughts.

(Awe.... I didn't like writing this chapter... More shit goes down so be prepared! Thanks for all the views!! This means so much to me!! I won't be updating until this chapter gets 13 views so if you want me to update, you better tell your friends!xD Thanks so much guys! Tell your friends and vote and please comment! Be prepared for more drama! XD)

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