Chapter Twenty Eight: Awkwardness

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I walk back down stairs to the kitchen, glancing at the clock on the TV box. It reads 1:00 am and I suddenly begin to wonder where the day went.

"You ready for bed?" I ask Luke who is sitting at my table, playing with his thumbs.

He looks up at me and smiles, "Well I have to go grab a few things, because of our group date tomorrow."

"Do you want me to come with you?" I ask and he stands up, walking over to me in the doorway.

"You don't have to." he says and wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"You don't have to either, we could just go get the things tomorrow." I say and suddenly begin to feel clingy. I didn't want Luke to think that I couldn't live without him, even though it may possibly be true.

He smirks at me and kisses my nose, "Very true." he states and he rests his forehead against my own.

My thoughts consume me; wondering how Luke and I came to be. How Taylor ended up losing her true love and how I "broke" Ashton's heart.

That's still a topic I don't want to bring up right now. I didn't want to ruin the moment Luke has just created between us.

My heart is beating fast, just being near him. I love the way he pulls me closer; saying nothing at all. But it wasn't weird, it was romantic and I was beginning to think I could do this all the time; sit here in Luke's embrace.

"But," he begins and takes a step back, "I don't have pajamas."

He winks at me, reminding me of when I stayed over at Luke's house and I didn't pack my pajamas.

"Did you do that on purpose?" I say and wink back at him. He chuckles and takes the step forward, closing the embrace he momentarily stepped away from.

"Are you gonna offer me clothes?" he teases and kisses my cheek. I smile at him, I love the way he acted and how he's such a fucking dork. I loved how weird he was and how awkward he can be. I love how he smiles and compliments me. I love his eyes and his heart. I just love everything about him.

This feeling that I have for him is hard to describe; it's indescribable but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. My heart beats fast, my thoughts are always him, I just can't escape him; and I love it.

"No, unless you want to wear my fluffy pajamas?" I tease and he bites his lip; letting a small laugh escape his perfectly plump lips.

"No thank you." He smiles and brings his head down further, making him able to kiss me with no trouble.

He closes the left over space by placing his lips on mine; making me feel like a love-struck girl and I loved it.

He pulls away from my lips and places a kiss on each of my cheeks; traveling down my jaw line and onto my neck.

He ends the kissing and looks up to me; soul conducting with soul.

"You make me feel," he begins and smiles, "different, Hazel and I love it."

"I was thinking the same thing." I say truthfully.

I grab his hand and lead him upstairs. We walk into my bedroom and I head to my dresser to pull out pajamas for me to wear.

I pull out my plaid pajama bottoms and offer them to Luke, "Wanna wear these?" I ask because they looked boyish enough.

"I was just going to sleep in my boxers." he says and blushes. I bite my bottom lip; never really doing that before.

"Is that okay?" He asks and I smile at him; everyday he reminds me of why I liked him so much and right now was one of those moments.

"It's perfectly fine with me." I smile and take the bottoms for myself, along with The Seconders shirt that I stole from Luke and walk into my bathroom.

I take my previous clothes off and put on my pajamas. I fine a hair tie to put my hair up in a bun and grab a baby wipe to take off all my make-up.

I grab the tooth brush and put my favorite tooth paste on it; baking soda with whitening power and begin to brush my teeth.

After the required two minutes of vigorously scrubbing my teeth, I step out of the bathroom and the view before me made me blush.

Luke was beginning to take his shirt off, slowly and carefully; teasing and taunting me.

I go silent and watch him, being a creep was the least of my worries. When the shirt is finally off, he turns around; giving me a full view of his body.

I give a shy smile while taking in Luke's wide shoulders and toned stomach; admiring the view before me.

"Staring is rude." He says and laughs as my cheeks turn a crimson red.

"Sorry, I was just-" I stop to laugh at myself.

I'm a fucking weirdo.

"I'm going to take my pants off now, you wanna watch or?"

I giggle and turn around; knowing that I will be seeing Luke almost naked made me blush even more.

I hear the sound of Luke's pants falling to the ground and the sound of my covers being moved on my bed.

"You can look now." Luke says and I turn around, he's laying under my pink covers with his hands behind his head.

"You're wearing my shirt." He says and smiles. I feel nervous as I look down at his shirt; never telling him that I took it home with me. He would probably think I was weird for sleeping with it every night but that's not something he needs to know; unlike the kiss.

"Yea, I guess I kind of just packed it." I say and give a shy smile while making my way over to the bed.

I pull back the covers and lay down next to Luke, who turns over to face me; propping his head up with one hand and using the other to pull me closer.

I was beginning to get used to this and I couldn't say I didn't like it because that would be an extreme lie.

I loved it.

"You know," I begin, feeling the need to share something personal with Luke, "you're my first boyfriend."

He looks at me and smiles, "Good. But what about that other guy you kissed?" He asks and I'm honestly surprised he remembered that.

"It was just like you said; a high school party game." I sigh and Luke turns over so he was now on his back. He pulls me to his side and I rest my head on his chest while his hand remained on my back; not letting me move away.

"I'm sorry for saying all those things Hazel. I really just thought you would fall for me, like those books." He says and begins to rub my back.

"You should've known it wouldn't work. We aren't characters; this is real life." I say and he turns his head; looking in my eyes in the way he always does.

"I'm just glad I still got you in the end." he smiles and uses his other hand to caress my cheek.

"And I'm glad you forgave me for all the shit I said. I just- I think- I really like you." He stutters the last part and I smile at his awkwardness.

"I'm glad I did too." I admit and let my sleepiness take over.

My eyes begin to get heavy and Luke's rubbing dies down as we both fall asleep.

(HERE IS MY UPDATE!! 1k views is freaking amazing!! Please check out Continuous (Michael Clifford) !! It's my friend's story and it's rather amazing! :) Keep commenting, no one comments and I love comments so please comment! Next Update: tomorrow!! :))

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