Chapter Twenty Two: Don't Test Me

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"Try it." Luke says and places a coffee mug in front of me. I frown, never enjoying just plain coffee.

I scrunch up my face as I lift the coffee mug to my mouth, blowing on it.

"Try it Hazel." Luke says again and rolls his eyes as I take my time blowing on it, making sure that if the taste did kill, at least my mouth wouldn't be burnt.

I sip it, cautiously, at first; the taste being absolutely horrendous. Luke laughs at me as I make my disgusted face, "The first sip always kills."

I put the coffee mug back on the counter, eyeing the clock on Luke's microwave. I sigh, realizing that I woke Luke up at 5 a.m.

"Thanks for getting up with me." I say and lift the coffee mug back to my mouth, actually enjoying the flavor this time.

"No problem, I couldn't sleep anyways." He says and shrugs his shoulder. He sits across from me at the table.

"Whatever, I had to shake you to wake you up." I say and laugh at him, knowing that I couldn't sleep, I wasn't going to let him sleep either.

"Yea." He laughs and takes a sip from his own coffee mug.

I sigh, missing my home, missing Taylor and Liam. I hope she was okay, I just can't stop thinking about her.

"Troubles?" Luke questions and smiles.

"You could say that." I shrug my shoulders and take yet another sip of the coffee, falling in love with it.

"This is good." I say and point to the coffee cup, taking a rather huge gulp than my normal sips.

"Told you." He smirks and finishes off whatever amount of coffee that was left in his cup, taking it to the sink and gently placing it in.

I swallow the rest of mine and stand to put mine in the sink too but Luke beats me to it, grabbing my cup and setting it next to his in the sink.

"Can we stop by my house before school? I wanna check up on Taylor." I say and smile, appreciating that Luke let me stay here with him when he could've told me no.

"Absolutely." He smiles and walks towards me, embracing me and kissing my cheek repeatedly.

"Thanks." I smile at him. Luke was pretty sweet, always up for anything. I enjoyed how awkward he always was and how he always complimented me. Whenever I was around him, my confidence is high and I am always happy. He just makes me happy.


"Luke stop." I say and begin to get frustrated as Luke hugged me from behind, while I was brushing my teeth, kissing my right cheek every ten seconds.

"No." He says stubbornly. I roll my eyes at him and continue to brush my teeth. He finally lets me go as his alarm went off, indicating that we had an hour before school started.

I rush to grab all my belongings and shove them back in the bag I originally had them packed in.

I grab my phone and hurry out to the living room, saying goodbye to Andrew and heading out the door with Luke.


"Taylor?" I shout as I open my front door, silence is all I hear.

I step in, feeling bad that I made Luke wait in the car but I know Taylor, she doesn't want to be bothered by everyone.

"Taylor?" I say again as I'm walking up the stairs. My heart starts to beat faster as I frantically keep shouting.

I open up Taylor's room and see the person that caused this mess: Liam.

His eyes are red and he's sobbing uncontrollably. I momentarily feel bad for him, it breaks my heart to see him upset but he honestly deserved it.

He looks at me, "She's gone." He says and my heart stops beating. Gone?

"What?" I question as my hear begins to frantically beat against my rib cage.

"She left. I-I don't kno-know where she w-went." He stutters out as his breathing becomes more and more louder. I knew he was getting ready to have a break down.

"Why'd you do it? Liam she loved you more than anything!" I shout at him, I knew he was already beating himself up for it but he needed to hear it from me too.

"I love her more than I love myself!" He shouts back at me.

I roll my eyes, "Whatever Liam! You obviously didn't love her, you fucking cheated on her!" I shout again and take step towards him.

"I can't fucking believe you. You were like my brother Liam! How do you think my father would feel about this?"

"You don't get to tell me who I love and don't love Hazel! You have no right to tell me that I don't love Taylor, absolutely no right!" He shouts at me and stands up, creating a shouting match between the both of us.

"Fuck off Liam!" I shout, feeling the need to protect my sister from his lies.

"I fucking love her Hazel! You don't think I do? You don't think I love her?" He shouts at me, running a hand through his hair.

"I chanced my entire career on this Hazel! And you're telling me I don't love her? Are you fucking kidding me? I love her more than I love air, I love her more than I love myself, I love her more than I fucking love life." He shouts waving his arm around to emphasize that he was pissed.

"I hope how you feel is ten times worse than how Taylor feels because you fucked up Liam." I say and walk towards the door.

"I suggest you quit your job before I tell the school board, maybe throw a few lies in there to make it so you can't work at a school ever again." I say, feeling rather proud of myself to threaten Liam with the possibility of never continuing his career.

"You wouldn't." He says, clearly in disbelief.

"Don't fucking test me Liam."

(Well shit. This chapter isn't as long as any of my others, just an update I suppose. The only reason I'm updating early is because the famous Taylor herself wanted me to so here I am... posting... Anyways, next update: never. The story is over with... Y'all return home now... JUST FUCKING KIDDING! I ain't even close to done yet!! XD I'll update when I wake up, I literally have all day to update. Thanks guys! Love you Taylor, make good choices! Thanks Jessica, your name will show up shortly. Thanks Maddy, your name will be mentioned more. Love you guys! YOU TOO TAYLOR! :))

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