Chapter Twenty Three: Pained Eyes

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I skipped school, not caring about my perfect attendance until I could figure out just where in the hell Taylor freaking went in the middle of the night.

I called her so many times that I actually had to start deleting my messages just to have enough storage to call her. Phones never made any sense.

"Hey Taylor. It's me. I know you're sad right now but you're giving me a heart attack. Please call me back, I love you." I say and hang up the phone, being sent to voice mail for the 25th time.

"She's still not answering?" Luke questions me. I roll my eyes at him, "Obviously not." I say annoyed but then I feel rather guilty. Luke had nothing to do with this, he was only reporting what he saw.

"I'm sorry." I say and smile at him, letting him know that I truly meant it.

"No, I feel bad. I shouldn't have said anything. I didn't mean for Taylor to go missing!" He says, probably just as frustrated as I was.

I sigh, he was making me feel even worse for being snippy with him. "It's not your fault and I'm glad you told me. I would've hated to live our lives in a lie." I say and rub Luke's shoulder. He smiles at me and starts the car.

"You don't have to skip school with me." I say, noticing that Luke hasn't even agreed to cut class in hopes of finding my missing sister.

"It's okay, I don't even think I could look at Liam the same way ever again. I didn't want to show up and have him beat my ass because he found out I was the one that told you." He laughs and pulls the car in Walmart's parking lot.

"She took her car." I say, trying to figure out where she could've gone. I suddenly remember when we were younger. We always fought, almost every day we would come up with new ways to suddenly hate each other.

There was one time that I told her that my dad wouldn't love her like he loved me. It still makes me sad that I would say that to my best friend, my sister, just to hurt her. She was sad, of course she was sad. She didn't deserve that and I knew she didn't but that still didn't stop my 7 year old self from saying it.

I remember crying for an hour or two because she told me that she could never love me again. She left and I couldn't find her for a few hours so I decided to walk to the park that was nearest to me. Being seven at the time, my dad followed. I missed him so much. We found her, laying down on the ground by the swing set, not saying anything except pulling grass from the ground and slowly letting it fall from her hands.

That's where she would be right now, I just knew it.

"Luke! I know where she is!" I shout, excited that I possibly found my sister.


I skim the playground, no one being there because it was still school hours but a small body was occupying the ground right next to the slide.

I sigh, knowing that it was her. I get out of the car and walk up to her. Not saying anything but watched her as she pulled grass from the ground and slowly let it fall from her hands.

I sit next to her, knowing that no matter how many words I say to her, she wouldn't talk to me until she was ready.

"Taylor, I love you, you know that right?" I watch her, hoping that she wasn't too far gone to nod her head at me. She doesn't do anything but let the grass fall from her fingers.

There was no expression on her face, she was good at hiding her hurt feelings. I sigh and lay down next to her, not really knowing what to do.

"Want some coffee?" I ask her, still no reaction from her.

"Come on." I say and stand up, reaching my hands out for her to grab so I could help her get up. She takes my hands, ever so slightly, and I pull her up to her feet. I pull her in a hug, knowing that it was the best thing I could do right now. I hear her sniffle but she doesn't let anything else happer or let one tear fall from her pained eyes.

(Well, I decided to update. Please vote for my story! I'm hoping to get at least 100 views before chapter Twenty Four!! So please vote!! :) Anyways, this was just another filler. I know exactly what I want to happen with Luke and Hazel but if I jumped into it, y'all would be bored. So I have to add in some side stories to keep things fresh! Please comment! It makes me happy! :)) 

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