Chapter Fifteen: Close Friends

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"You could come with us?" I offer Maddy. She's brand new here and I didn't feel like leaving her here all alone with nobody she knew. So I decided to invite her with Taylor and I for lunch.

"No, it's okay. I think I'm gonna stay here." She says and I look over to Taylor, silently asking her to stay with me and Maddy, I still didn't want to leave her here with nobody.

She shrugs her shoulders, indicating that she didn't care if we stayed or not.

"Would you mind if we stayed with you? If not then we'll leave." I say and laugh as I let out the last part, I didn't want her to think that we were creepy or anything.

"No, I would love it." She says and smiles. I look over to Taylor who smiles to me and then to Maddy.

We walk over to a table, not really used to the way the school serves food. Taylor and I have been going out everyday, today would be the first time that we actually stayed to eat the school's food.

Maddy sets her stuff down, which wasn't much, just a book to her next class, I assume, and some small journal.

"What's that?" I ask and point to her small journal that had a variety of drawings on the outside. She looks down to her tattooed journal and smiles at it, "I like to write down every experience that happens. I want to be a writer one day."

I smile at her and mentally slap myself at the same time. Why couldn't I have been that creative and wrote down all the new or best experiences in my life? Maybe it had to do with the fact that I wasn't very creative.

"That's cool. So you just write down everything?" Taylor questions her, obviously interested just like I was.

"Yea, sad things, happy things, things that piss me off; anything. Whatever I feel like would make a great back story for when I am famous." She dramatically flips her hair, causing Taylor and I to laugh along with her.

We walk up to a group of people that we assumed was the lunch line and stood there.

"The lunch line is up there."

I nearly jump when Ashton peaks his head around me.

"Jesus tits, you scared me." I say with a hand over my heart, emphasizing the fact that I was scared.

"Sorry." He says and shrugs his shoulders. He laughs a bit at me before noticing Maddy.

"Who's this? I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting." Ashton says and gently grabs Maddy's hand, causing her to blush and him to giggle.

"I'm Maddy." She says and he smiles so brightly at her that I thought he could light a city.

"Nice to meet you Maddy, I'm Ashton." He shakes her hand and lets it go.

"Oh, I know." She says a little too quickly. Ashton raises one of his eyebrows, "Really?"

Her face turns a bright red and she looks over to me for help.

"Well, Hazel told me about you. Just that you were friends and all." She says, nerves obvious in her voice. She was clearly star-struck with Ashton and I had a feeling if I didn't like Luke as much, so would I.

"Really now?" Ashton looks over to me with a smile plastered on his face.

I shrug my shoulders, trying to forget about what happened between us was easier than I thought.

"What are you doing here? Don't you go out to eat?"

He smiles at me, probably happy that I noticed he left for lunch. I really hoped he understood that I don't like him like that but maybe he will after I actually tell him.

Wonders of Being Me (Luke Hemmings)Where stories live. Discover now