Chapter Eighteen: Dork

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Ever since Luke's and I's little moment at the amusement park, I have been madly in love with that song. I press the song title on my phone and plug my speakers in, letting the wonderful voice of Ed Sheeran fill my room.

I take those pictures with me everywhere, the ones Luke and I took in that photo booth on Monday after school. I keep them in my pocket all the time, never leaving the house unless I had them. I don't know why but I always found comfort in the pictures and I sometimes wondered if Luke still carried them around in his wallet.

Luke was supposed to come over tonight, we just wanted to hang out and possibly watch a movie. I look over to the clock, realizing that another weekend has just begun. Luke and I have gotten closer but I still haven't told him about Ashton.

Ashton and Maddy have been getting pretty close within the past week of her arrival, it was the start of something beautiful. And Ashton and I can actually talk about the kissing incident without any awkwardness.

Taylor and I were starting to get pretty comfortable in this town but that also brought up another problem within me and Luke. I didn't want to get too attached to him and then have my mom say we were moving far away, leaving me to travel with a possible broken heart.

I also feared the looks that he receives from all the other girls at my school, it honestly scared me to think that all these girls were crushing on Luke and he could have literally anyone. It's not that I don't trust Luke, it's more that I don't trust those girls.

Plus Luke and I weren't even dating, come to think of it, we haven't even gone out on a first date. We kind of just went places but I was never formally asked out by him and I was starting to think that maybe he really just wanted to be friends with some benefits.

The song changes to Jason Derulo's song Wiggle. I honestly loved this song, I get up to turn the speakers up louder.

"Yes!" Taylor yells as she opens my door, in love with the song just like me.

She starts to shake her hips as the song begins. I laugh at her, not one for inappropriate dancing but join her anyways.

"You know what to do with that big fat butt! Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle!" We shout together and go back to throwing out some ridiculous moves that more than likely made us look like we were having a spaz attack.

"Oh!" She shouts and walks over to my stereo system to turn down the music.

"Luke is here." She laughs and walks out of my room.

I follow her out and head downstairs to the front door, excited to see Luke.

I open the door to be greeted with an under dressed Luke, just the way I liked him. He was wearing sweats and a tank-top (which honestly confused me but he made it work) with a beanie covering most of his hair.

"Hey Hazel." He smiles and takes a step forward to embrace me in a hug. I take a deep breath in, always loving the way Luke smelled.

"Hey Luke." I say back but it's all mushed together because of how hard I was snuggling into him.

I finally let him go and allow him to walk in.

"Stay here a second?" I ask more than demand and Luke nods his head.

I walk to the kitchen, trying to find Liam. I don't think Luke has ever met Liam while he was at my house and I hope he wasn't too weird out by knowing that a student was dating a teacher.

Before continuing my quest for Liam, I head back to Luke.

"Hey, I'm about to tell you something but you can't tell the school board, okay?"

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