Magcon Boyz

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Chapter 9

I still can't decide. Nash went home after he saw my indecisiveness. I've been thinking about this. I need help, I call up my 2nd best friend who is always there for me, Matthew Espinosa.

Matt: Hey, what's up?

Me: Oh, I have a problem.

Matt: Uh oh, what is it?

Me: So, Nash broke up with me...

Matt: What? Really? How?

Me: I don't like to talk about it.

Matt: Okay, is that the problem?

Me: *laughs* I wish, just shut up and listen! *laughs*

Matt: Okay

Me: Nash broke up with me and then Cameron came over and I realize I like Cam then we hung out and we like each other, then Nash came over and apologized and asked if I wanted to be his girlfriend again, but I like Cameron and I like Nash too, and I don't know who to choose.

Matt: Wow, uh. Well, go with your heart. Whoever you feel comfortable with, whoever makes you feel like you can be yourself and most importantly, who you are HAPPY with. Sorry it's sappy.

Me: Matt, that was amazing. Thank you so much. *kissy noises* bye!

Matt: You are so welcome! Hey, don't decide for them, decide for you. Okay?

Me: Okay. Bye.

Matt: Wait, you, me tomorrow. My house at like 12:00. Bye!

*I hang up*

So I'm hanging out with Matt tomorrow. Now, Matt's advice was great, I just need to follow it. Okay, I can't just decide who I am happier with. I still have Cameron's sweatshirt on. I take it off and set it on my bed, just until I decide...I know how to choose. I get up and get in my car. I pull up to Nash's house and he answers the door. I hug him and hang out with him, making sure it is clear I don't want to date him....yet. We hug and then he pulls me onto the hammock. I give a little shriek and Nash hugs me. I laugh and hug him back. I stop hugging just to stare at him. His hair, his shirt, his hands, his eyes. I love everything about him. This is the guy, I'm pretty sure. I cuddle with him for about 10 minutes. I kiss him, and I really want to be with Nash. I close my eyes and feel his warmth. His arms wrap around me protectively. I feel how strong his arms are and feel safe. Before I know it, I'm asleep.

Chapter 10

Magcon BoysWhere stories live. Discover now