Chapter 36

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*Matt's POV*

"What?" I yell. "How, why, when?" The lady is telling me that Cameron and Jordan were in a giant car crash and are in critical condition. "Okay. I will be there in about an hour." Carter looks at me and I begin crying. Carter rushes to my side. "Matthew, bro what happened?" I sniff. "Uhm. Cameron and Jordan were in the biggest car crash and they might be dead!" I cry harder and Carter runs out of the room I think to tell everyone. Minutes later, everyone is in my room. Nash looks grave. He might lose his best friend and his ex girlfriend. "What are we waiting for? We have to go!" Aaron yells. Everyone races out the door to the car. Nash and I are a mess. We are sobbing and crying and just a crazed thing. I can't believe I may lose them. I cry harder and Aaron tries to comfort me. "It's okay Matt, they're going to be okay." I sigh. "I hope so."

We get to the hospital and I race to the front desk. "Name please." The lady at the counter asks. "Uh Dallas?" She nods, "He's in the ER." I nod and then race to the ER. Everyone follows. I find the room and then peer in. Cameron lays on a bed, but Jordan isn't there. "Guys!" I yell-whisper. "It's him." A nurse appears at the door. "Family only." She says as she pushes us out of the way. "We are her family, almost. Her and his family are all the way back in L.A. They don't know yet do they?" The nurse nods, "They will be here soon." I look at her. "Can we please see them?" She shakes her head, "Sorry. Family only." I look back in the window one last time and head back over to everyone. I begin to cry as I shake my head. "We aren't allowed guys." I sniff. Nash looks around frantically. "No! I have to see them! I have to!" He begins to push his way through us and we hold him back. "Nash!" Taylor says, "Don't you think we want to see them?" Nash still looks crazy. "I need to..." He says as he struggles against us. "Nash!" I say. "Calm the fuck down bro." Someone slaps him and then he seems to focus. He still looks upset. We all line up and sit down on the bench, taking the whole thing up. I don't tell Nash that Jordan isn't there. He will just freak out more.

*Cameron's POV*

I open my eyes slowly, even though its difficult. What happened? I remember the crash, and trying to find Jordan. I don't see her and I begin to panic. "Where is she?" I ask. No one answers. "WHERE IS SHE?" I scream. A nurse runs in. "Who?" She asks. "Uhm my girlfriend? You know. The one in the car accident?" The nurse nods, "She's in intensive care." I look at her, scared. "What? she going to be okay?" I ask. The nurse shrugs. "I don't know." I begin to scream. "WELL I WANT A NURSE THAT FUCKING KNOWS BECAUSE I WANT TO KNOW WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO MY GIRLFRIEND IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?" The nurse stares at me, wide eyed. "I will go find out." She says as she runs out of the room.

*Matt's POV*

"WELL I WANT A NURSE THAT FUCKING KNOWS BECAUSE I WANT TO KNOW WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO MY GIRLFRIEND IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?" I hear. "Cam's awake." Someone says. I smile and walk over to the door. "Excuse me." I ask the nurse. "Can we please see him?" The nurse looks at all of us and sighs. "Fine. But this better not get me fired." We walk in and wave to Cam. Relief floods his face. "Guys? What happened to Jordan?" He asks. I look at him. "I don't know Cameron. I really don't." I tell him. His face sags as I say that. He looks in bad shape. His arm is in a sling, his head is bandaged, and so is most of his face. The nurse comes in. "So this is what happened." She says, "You guys got into the wreck and the driver of the truck immediately called 911. They found you guys together in the ditch and then the ambulance took you here. You have a broken arm and a fractured skull, we stitched you up. Your girlfriend however has a broken leg and arm and severe head trauma. We are still unsure if she will make it." Everyone just stares. Jordan may not make it?

*Cameron's POV*

My girlfriend may not make it? I feel tears well up in my eyes. "I want to se her." I demand. The nurse stares at me. "Goddammit I want to see her before something dramatic happens. Is that too much to ask?" I begin to cry. I can't even hide my face because of all these fucking bandages. I try to stop but I can't. I see the nurse exit and her talking to a doctor. Matt sits next to me and so does Nash. Everyone else crowds around the bed. "Bro I am so sorry. For everything. The fight and your incident. I'm so sorry man." Nash says. I nod, to say I forgive him.

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