Chapter 28

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*Your POV*

I run back to my room, and unfortunately Matt is there too. Damn it! I forgot we share a room, good thing we are leaving later. Matt sees me and gets up to leave. He walks out and I begin to cry. Cameron walks over to me and holds me as I do so. "What happened beautiful?" Cameron asks me. I sniffle, "Well...Matt and Jessica hooked up and I tried to tell him that it wasn't a good idea and..." I take a deep breath. "We got into this big argument and I think I lost my best friend." I sob into Cameron's shirt, and I'm not even embarrassed. He squeezes me and reassures me that it will be okay, but I don't think it will.

I think you're just jealous! Rings through my ears. I close my eyes and begin to fall asleep.

I wake up on my bed, Cam must've put me there. I get up and head to where Nash is staying. He had to get a separate room because he just showed up. He opens the door and lets me in. I sit on his bed and remember the fight from yesterday. I start to cry and Nash immediately asks me what's wrong. "Babe, something wrong. Tell me, you can tell me anything. You know that." I nod and then stare at the ground. He looks at me in concern, "It's about Matthew isn't it?" I look at him, how did he know that? "Tell me." He commands. I tell him the whole story and he nods. "I see why Matt thinks you are jealous, but he's oblivious to the fact that we are a happy couple. I don't know why he's being a jerk." I sniff and then Nash slides his hand under my chin. "How about we go get breakfast?" I nod and he leads me downstairs to the lobby. Everyone's here, and I look around and spot Matt. I glare at him and head over to the buffet. When I get there, I grab my plate and then I feel someone next to me. I shake my head and reach for the bacon. My hands touch someone else's and I look up to see Matt. "Ma..." I start, but he shakes his hand like he's wringing it out or something and gives me a disgusted look and walks away. He walks over to Ms. Slutiness herself. He puts his hand around her hip and then squeezes her. They have an intense make out session with everyone watching. Gross. I don't want to eat anymore so I put my plate back. I sit down in a chair and Nash sits next to me. "I saw what he did to you." He says and I nod. "What a dick." Nash says. I nod and head back upstairs. I feel upset. Why would Matt even do that to me, am I some disgusting creature he can't even look at? I feel tears and imagine all of our moments. We were best did that get stripped away from us?

I close my eyes and realize that I'm in Nash's room. I hear a door open and Nash stands next to me. "Hey, hey." He says and slides his hand under my chin again, forcing me to look at him. "How can I make you feel better." I look at him and mumble, "I think you know how." He nods, leans in and we kiss. A strong and powerful kiss. I forget about Matt, or Jessica or anyone else in this damn world. I only care about me and Nash right now. I wrap my arms around him and he slowly brings us down onto the bed. He sits down and I pull myself onto his lap so I am on him. I wrap my legs around him and squeeze him. It turns into a make out session. He wraps his hand around my waist and I put my hand in his hair and my other around his neck. I feel this thing where I am just overwhelmed with sensation. I lean forward on him more and more, and he is leaning back with me. I am now laying on top of him, the make out session still going. I grab the collar of his shirt and pull him up slightly. He puts his hand on my back and one on my hair. Everywhere he touches I feel electricity. We have to stop for a moment to breathe. We continue the make out session except this time, I can feel the heat between us. I let go of his collar and then run my hands through his hair. He grabs my waist and picks me up. We stand and I wrap my legs around his waist again so I am supporting myself. He puts his hand on my back and we continue to kiss. He spins me and ohhh, this feels too good. I daze off, distracted by him and his lips. Eventually I have to pull away. "Nash." I breathe heavily. Still holding me, he heads over to the door and a familiar click can only mean he locked the door. I am fine with this. I feel drowsy, and I lean towards the bed. He gets the message and takes us over there and we lay down. We lay down facing each other and we both sigh. Nash leans into me and begins kissing my neck softly. He works his way upward until he reaches my lips and tries to kiss me again but I stop him. "Nash." I tell him. "I feel better now." He laughs and then I can't help myself, I climb on top of him and kiss him. God, I can't get enough of this boy. He laughs through our kiss and then picks me up again. I groan, not wanting to leave the bed. He stands me up and then we kiss wedding style where he holds me as I lean back. I hear my name being called once, twice, three times. I stand up and walk towards the door. I feel Nash grab my wrist and spin me towards him again. "Not yet." He mumbles. I roll my eyes slightly. I kiss him and mumble through our lips, "Last time." He picks me up and again I wrap my legs around his waist. He pushes me up against the wall and we continue our make out session until I stop him. I yank away, and honestly...we were holding each other so tight it was hard to. I slide down and he mumbles in my ear, "I love you so much."

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