Chapter 18

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Nash picked me up and carried me upstairs. I cuddled against him and he set me gently down on my bed. Then, he lays down next to me. I cuddle up against him and then I look down and realize I am wearing his sweatshirt. He looks at me and asks, "Is that mine?" I look back at him and say, "Oh, do you want it back?" I start to pull it off, I have a soccer tee-shirt on under it. "Nah, you look good in it," He blushes, "Perfect actually." I smile and rub my eyes to show I'm tired, when really I just want to keep cuddling. I then remember I have mascara on, I give a soft shriek. "What?!" He asks, sitting up and looking around. I laugh and say, "Oh nothing, I just remembered I have makeup on and I rubbed my eyes." He gives me a serious look, then laughs. "Don't you ever fucking scare me like that!" I laugh and kiss him, I honestly can't help it. He's just that damn cute when he laughs! He turns to face me and I bury my head in his chest. He puts his arms around me and squeezes. After about an hour, I hear his breathing becoming even. I listen to his heart beat, I close my eyes and fall asleep.

*Nash's POV*

I fell asleep soon after we were cuddling. I woke up and clicked on my phone, it read 7:23am, I set my phone on her nightstand. I look at my girlfriend and how she sleeps. I know that sounds creepy, but she looks adorable. I look at her again and carefully remove my arm from around her, careful not to disturb her. I get up and slide off her bed. I grab my phone off the stand then walk out the door. I stop to take one last look at her then start down the hall. I walk down the steps, taking them 2 at a time. I open the front door and grab my keys out of my pocket. I head outside and hop in my car. I drive away thinking about her. I pull up and open the door kind of loudly. I almost call into the house saying I'm home like I usually do, but the house is silent. Then I remember it's like 7:30 in the morning. I take off my shoes and accidentally knock the door back and it slams shut. Shit. I am so clumsy, like jeez. I hear a door open and Skylynn comes out of her room. Shit I woke her up, she's not going back to sleep. She's a rambunctious 5 year old that loves to play, she looks at me and her hair is a mess. "Nash?" She whispers. "Uhhh Sky?" I answer. She looks at me and smiles,"Do you wanna play horsey with me?" I smile, "No sweetie, it's really early but we can watch a movie if you want." She grins and yells, "SECRETARIAT!" I shush her, but then bring her downstairs. I put her on the couch and flick it on, then make her cereal. She becomes so engrossed in this movie even though she's seen it a thousand times, just like Frozen. She barely notices me when I set the bowl in front of her. I smile and make myself some Cinnamon Toast Crunch. When I go to get the box, I shake it to reveal that it's empty. "Shiiiiit." I mutter to myself, so I have some Fruit Loops instead. I walk over to Sky and sit down next to her. She leans up against me and continues to eat her cereal, her eyes glued to the screen. We eat our cereal in peace while watching the movie. I start thinking about Cam. He's my best friend and I don't know what happened. I decide to call him later and I just put my head on top of Sky's and just watch the 'horsey' movie.

*Your POV*

I wake up, feeling around for Nash. I sit up and realize he's gone. I let myself fall back, wishing he was here. I begin to think of Cameron. I miss him being my friend, I haven't seen him anywhere now a days. I hope nothing's happened to him. I go on my phone, no surprise, and go on Instagram to see if he's posted anything lately. He hasn't, his last post was 3 weeks ago. I begin to get worried, I call his phone but he doesn't answer. I don't know what to do. I call him 4 more times and no answer. Then I remember, it's like 8:00am, he's probably not up yet. This calms me down, I wouldn't be either if I sensed Nash was gone. I wait a couple more hours until its about 11. I know he gets up at ten. I call him again and again and again and all I get is voicemail, voicemail, voicemail. I start to panic, I run to my car to find out what's happening. I fumble for my keys and I hop in the seat. I have to take deep breaths to calm down. Thank God his house is so close. I pull up and knock on the door, I don't see another car besides his and the door is unlocked. What is going on?

I open the door and burst inside then run upstairs to his bedroom. I open the door and find Cam. I gasp and take in the scene.

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