Chapter 45

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I rub my eyes and yawn. I look around and see I'm in Cam's room, with a sleepy Cam next to me. I grin and lean next to his ear. "Cammy." I say and giggle. He groans. "Cammy Dallas." He sits up, "What's up with the new nickname?" I shrug, "I don't know, it sounds cute I guess." He rolls his eyes, "Okay Jorday-Worday." I roll my eyes, "I think I should just stick to the nick naming." Cameron laughs, "I think you should."

We walk downstairs to see Shawn in the living room, in front of a camera. "I'm gonna paint you by number, and color you in." I love Shawn like a brother, but I always fall in love with his voice. "If things go right we can frame it, and put you on a wall." Cameron presses himself up against me and then grabs my hand. "And it's so hard to say it, but I've said it before." Cameron leans down and slowly connects our lips. "I will surrender up my heart, and swap it for yours." He begins to sway us and we begin to slow dance around the kitchen. "I'm out of touch, I'm out of luck, I'll pick you up when you're getting down. And out of all these things I've done, I think I love you better now." I wrap my arms around his neck and he breaks the kiss to smile at me and we continue to dance. "I'm out of sight, I'm out of mind, I'll do it all for you anytime." He reconnects our lips. "And out of all these things I've done...I think I love you better now." We begin to make out. Oops. Shawn continues the beautiful song, and Cameron breaks the kiss yet again. He looks at me, and I hear Shawn's voice in the background. "I love you." He says and I smile. "And out of all these things I've done, I think I love you better now." Shawn finishes with the last strum of his guitar and I hug Cameron.

Shawn watches the video over with us and he points to something on the screen. "What's this?" He asks and laughs. I look at it and see Cam and I dancing in the background. "Do you want me to cut you out?" He asks and I shrug, "I really don't care." He grins, "I'm leaving you in there." I laugh and walk over to Cam. "So we're in the video?" Cameron asks, raising an eyebrow and I laugh. "Yeah." He wraps his arm around my waist and I grin. I'm really happy with Cameron, and I think he's the one.

I smile as Cameron and Taylor dance to some song on the TV. "WE GONE PARTY BUCKWILD!" Taylor screams and I laugh. Matthew comes in and shrieks, in that high pitched scream of his. "What the hell is going on in here?!" He says and I laugh. Taylor is still twerking. Matt rubs eyes and walks into the kitchen, probably to get food. "They're so fucking loud." Cameron says and I laugh. "Lets go somewhere...quiet." He says and I grin. He takes me outside to the swing set that's in the backyard. I remember my uncle and aunt pushing me on the swing as I flew higher and higher. I sigh at the memory, those were the years I was a careless, cute human being. I look over at Cam, who's looking the other way. I watch as the sunlight perfectly captures the amazing details of his face. I stare at his brown hair, which glistens in the morning rays. He grins about something I will never know and I keep watching him. He bites his lip and...oh the things I would do to that boy.

"So tell me." Cameron says smiling, "What's going through that head of yours?" I blush, and then giggle. "Nothing." He chuckles, "I saw you staring at me." I bite my lip and then laugh, "I was just thinking of how gorgeous you are." He grins, "No more gorgeous than you sweetheart." He takes my hand and we sit on the swing together. Cameron looks at me, serious. "Jordan. I have something to confess." I stare at him, slightly panicked. "I..." He starts, "Am in love with you." I feel myself blush, and he continues, "I don't love you, I'm in love with you. Those are different. And a million years could go by, and I would still be in love you. I will be in love this Jordan Dale until...not even the day I die, because my love will go on forever. And I don't care if in twenty years you hate me, because I will still be in love with you. And I say that four letter word, and I damn mean it." I feel a smile creeping onto my face. "And!" He continues, "I have a proposal." I feel shocked, what?! He gets down on one knee and reaches into his pocket. I feel panicked, I can't marry him! "Jordan, will you go to Paris with me?" He asks and I feel so relieved as he pulls tickets out of his pocket. I laugh at my thinking and jump into his arms. He smiles and we stand up. "We leave in two days. Get ready."

A/N- I know, super short chapter. I'm ending this book in ten chapters or less so be ready!

Is Ebola still a thing cuz it was confirmed real close to my state so like if i don't update its because i died



-so I was looking back on my chapters (editing again) and noticed one of my chapters had -1 like. I have no idea how that happened so I thought to myself, well, if my work is THAT bad why am I still writing? Lol, but really should I stop?


Love you guys so much and don't forget to like and vote!

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