Chapter 26

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Today is leaving day. We leave for Magcon in 1 hour. I have to admit, it's going to be different without Nash. Way different. I walk downstairs lugging my suitcase. I then open the door and get in my car. I sigh, no Nash to drive me there. I take a deep breath and drive to the airport. It takes me an hour to get there. When I get out I lug my suitcase out of the car and roll over to security. I go through the metal detectors, those always freak me out, and then head over to a group of people wearing hoodies and looking at their phones. Disguises are necessary, it would be like Jennifer Lawrence taking a stroll through a crowded mall. I have a hoodie on myself, an Abercrombie one. I walk over to Cameron and I sit next to him. "Hey." He says quietly. "Hi." I tell him. We made sure we got here right before the flight left to make sure no one could figure us out too quickly. It wasn't this intense last time. "Flight 43." I hear. Rachel gives us a wave and we walk over to board our flight. I am excited about going to Florida. I have a tank top on underneath my sweatshirt because wearing a sweatshirt in Florida is crazy. Especially mid-summer. We get on our flight and I look around for Mahogany. I can't find her, so I sit down at a window seat. Cameron sits next to me. "No Mahogany?" I ask him. He shakes his head, "Family." He tells me. I nod in understanding. I start to Vine. "Hey guys, I'm with Cameron Dallas and we are on our way to Ontario, Florida! Come see us! We would love to meet you!" Cameron and I make a stupid face and then the Vine ends. I upload it and then put down all the information in the comments. I sigh and then the captain asks for all electronics to be turned off. I shut down my phone and then we take off. I turn to Cam. "So what's the plan?" I ask him. "Okay," He starts. "When we get to Florida, since Magcon is tomorrow this is our free day. Then we have the Magcon and then we go home." I nod, at least it's only two days without Nash. It could be a full week without him. I feel bad for him and the fans. I have to admit, most of them come to see Nash, Cam and possibly Matt. If Nash isn't there, some fans will be mad. I shake myself out of the thoughts. I need to focus on the good. I hear the announcements saying we can now use our phones and immediately everyone starts up their phones. I laugh and start up mine. Cameron leans into me and I freeze. Then I notice he's holding his phone to take a picture. We both make wacky faces and he uploads to Twitter. I go onto it to make sure I like it and comment. I get on his page and already 9823 people have liked it and commented. Wow, he's more famous than I thought. I read the tweet.

Just chillin with this goofball. On our way to Florida! Come see us, I would love to meet you guys!

I smile to myself and then like and favorite it. I notice Matt get up and walk over to us. "Hey Matty-baby." I half shout. "Hey Jordan-poo!" He yells back. Cameron looks back and forth between us. "Am I missing something?" He asks. I laugh, "Just a phone conversation." He gives a nod and goes back to Twitter. For the next couple of hours we talk about anything and everything. "Wait wait wait!" I tell them. "Matt, you play the piano?" He nods. "You never told me!" He shrugs. "Honestly, I'm a little embarrassed." I look at him. "You realize every time a girl finds out a guy can play the piano you're like 1000 times more cute?" Cam laughs and says, "Well now I feel left out. Can't say I play the piano." I laugh, "Well you are already really cute." Matt scoffs. "Oh my God Matt, you are so freaking cute okay? I just can't say you're really cute because you're my brother." He laughs and Cameron looks confused. "I call him my brother because we are so close." Cameron nods and smiles. We have conversations like this for the rest of the plane ride.

Right before we land Rachel stands up. "Okay people! Listen up! We need to stay together until we get to the hotel." Everyone nods and we get off the plane. Ontario. We single file line and then we stand at the bottom of the steps with our luggage. "Okay!" Rachel says, "Everyone in the limo!" We get into the limo and then Rachel sits in the second row while we sit in the back. "Everyone here are the rooms and roommates!" She announces. Everyone stops talking and turns to face her. "Aaron and Taylor. Mahogany, Jack and Jack. Carter, and Shawn. Jordan, Cameron and Matt." At them in surprise. What where the odds? They smile and laugh. I put my arms around both of them. "Room buddies!" I half shout. Rachel glares at us and then I immediately back off. What the hell is up with her? She's usually so happy. We drive in silence until we get to the hotel. I look at it and its gorgeous. Palm trees along the side, fancy glass doors with the logo sealed into it with gold handles. It's very tall too, and the ocean's right behind it. "Rachel!" I exclaim, "You really outdid yourself!" She blushes and then tells us to hurry in. We all run in and then when we get inside we take off our hoodies. It's so freaking hot. We walk over to the front desk. The lady up there hands us our keys without even looking at us. We walk towards the elevator. "Wait!" Cameron says. "I bet you both 5 bucks, that I can climb the stairs faster than you can ride the elevator." We agree and Matt and I hop into the elevator and Cameron waits on the steps. We shout go and he takes off. The door closes and I look at the key and I crack up. Matt looks at me, weirdly. ""Does he know..." I say, gasping because I'm laughing so hard. "That we are room number 508?" Matt doubles over in laughter. We stand there, having to lean against the wall we are laughing so hard. The door opens and we get out. Cameron is nowhere to be seen. I laugh again and unlock the room. We head inside and unpack. I had called the queen bed, Matt had called the other queen bed and we left Cameron the pull-out couch. We put our stuff on the bed so Cameron would know it was ours. We split the closet into three sections. Mine, Matt's and Cam's. After we put away all our items, we then opened the windows to see the view. I gasp, we have a window right next to the ocean. I watch the waves for about a minute then walk to my bed. Matt flips on the TV to a football game and we are halfway through it when we hear a knock. I get up and open the door and there stands a sweaty, gasping Cam holding his suitcase. "Why...gasp...didn' tell me...gasp...that we were...on the...500th floor?!" I laugh and tell him, "We didn't until we got into the elevator." Cameron pulls out his wallet, but I stop him. "Keep it, lord knows we put you through enough trouble." Matt and I laugh and we show him the setup. "I get the pullout couch? Really?" He asks. We shrug. "Well if you hadn't made a ridiculous climb then..." He laughs and then puts his stuff down. It's about 2 now. I sit and then go on my phone. They do the same.

After about an hour of this I say, "Guys, we need to do something today. Wanna go to the beach or the pool?" They nod ecstatically. Matt speaks up, "Beach, I'm kinda sick of pools. Plus..." he makes a funny face, "I like it sandy." I laugh and we go to get dressed, I wear my blue strapless bikini. Matt wears black swim trunks and Cameron wears red ones. I put my hair up in a bun, and I add sunglasses. I grab my phone and towel and we head out the door. We are stopped by Carter, Shawn and Jack J. "Where are you guys going?" They ask in unison. "Beach." I respond. "Well wait for us!" They tell us and run into their rooms. They come back fifteen minutes later with everyone. "Woah!" I say, "What happened to us?" They smile and we walk downstairs. We are about to exit and then we are stopped by someone. Rachel. "Where do you kids think you're going?" She asks, narrowing her eyes. She focuses on me, at the head of the group. "Well," I start, "We are going to the beach." She looks at the group. "Guys, you know better. You can't go out there like that. Someone will notice you." Everyone sighs and turns to walk back into the elevator. I stay though. Rachel smiles. "That's why..." She starts and everyone turns around. "I booked the whole beach." We look at her in surprise. "Go have fun." She tells us. We scramble out the back door and then everyone races forward. I get lifted onto someone's back and see Cam's smiling face beneath me. I laugh and point my finger. "Forward!" I yell. Matt runs by my side and we race towards the water. When we get there, I throw down my towel and then Cam keeps running towards the water. "Cameron!" I yell and then he tosses me in the water. I am submerged in water, and I come up gasping. Then a wave hits me and I am swept away. I am being thrown everywhere. I emerge from the water coughing and gasping. I realize that I'm at least 20 feet from where I started. I see Cam and we waves his arms. I swim back and then stand up. I jump on his back, "Nicely played Dallas." I tell him. He laughs and then I look over to see Matt holding a bucket of water. He holds a finger to his lips and then I slide off Cam's back. Cameron turns around and then Matt splashes the water onto his face. Cameron falls into the water and Matt doubles over laughing. I laugh myself and I high-five Matt. "Nicely played Espinosa!" I tell him. "Same, Dale" Cameron gets up and then we decide to build a sandcastle. We get all the stuff and then we start building. It turns out pretty good, then Jack G decides to jump on it. I laugh and then walk away. Matt asks me to help him with a Vine. I hold the camera and shout, "Hey Matt." And he smacks himself and falls into the water. He labels it, When you see someone at the beach you don't want to talk to. I laugh and make sure I like it. We go like this for about two hours and then someone yells, "Volleyball!" We all rush to form teams. I am put on a team with Cam, Carter, Jack G, and Mahogany. I am against Shawn, Matt, Jack J and Aaron. We dominate. The score ends up being 10-3. We made a bet that the losing team had to buy each other dinner. Matt owes me dinner then. We tell everyone that we are leaving, considering its like 6. We walk back up and then Matt says, "Well, what'll it be?" I shrug and tell him, "Pizza and Starbucks." He laughs and I tell him what I want from each place. He runs off to buy it and its just me and Cameron. He dries his hair and announces that he's going to take a shower. I nod and flip on the TV to the FIFA World Cup. I watch that until Cameron's out of his shower. Matt opens the door and then we eat the pizza and I drink the Starbucks. I then feel so tired, now it's like seven. I lay down and close my eyes. Cameron jumps on my bed and then bounces on it. "Fuck off Cameron." I tell him, then I flip him off. He laughs and then says, "What happened to 'bae'?" He asks, I laugh and sit up. "If I give you the rest of my Starbucks will you let me sleep?" He shakes his head no. I groan, and he points to his cheek. "Fine!" I tell him and I get up and give him a kiss on the cheek. I quickly fall back into my bed and then before I know it I'm asleep.

*Cameron's POV*

I sit there and watch her go to sleep. I feel her kiss against my cheek and I go to my bed. Or couch. Thanks guys. Matt looks at me. "Anyone with eyes can see you like her. Carrying her on your back, kissing her, calling her bae..." I feel heat rushing to my cheeks. "I don't okay! She's with Nash and no matter how hard I try I can't get her to like me, so I stopped trying. I don't like her! She's just really pretty and smart and funny and...I don't like her okay?!" Matt smiles and I roll over so my back is facing him. I pull the blankets over myself and hear him mutter, "Exactly." I close my eyes tightly and try to fall asleep.

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