Chapter 19

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Cam is laying on his bed, but he looks awful. Clothes are strewn all over the floor and his bed is all messy. Cameron looks depressed. His parents aren't home and he looks like he's been living by himself for a couple of days. Cam is still laying there, not moving, unresponsive. I start getting concerned, I know he's not dead. I say his name, but he just stays still. I start picking up his clothes and putting them into a pile. Now you can at least see some part of the floor, and I continue to clean up.

*Cams POV*

I sense she's here, but I am too exhausted to move, or speak, or do anything actually. I don't know what happened, once she kicked me out of her life I just lost that feeling of purpose. I decide to get up, after all I miss talking to Nash, and her and Carter and Jack and Jack and Taylor and Mahogany and everyone. I can't get up, probably because I haven't eaten in 3 days. I gather up the strength to lift my head. She spins around and yells,"Cameron!" She hugs me and says in a shaky voice,"Why? What happened to you?" I answer in a small voice. "I was depressed. When you left, I felt like you kicked me out of your life. I am really tired, can I lay down now?" She has tears in her eyes now, "Cameron? I still wanted to be best friends...I am so sorry, where are your parents?" "Business trip." I answer. "For another 4 days." "Have you eaten?" She asks. I shake my head no. She gasps, and takes my hand, then she attempts to pull me up, but I am to heavy. I try to help her, but I am too tired. I lay there and just stay quite.

*Your POV*

I decide to call Nash. I open my phone and click on Nash's number. He answers in the third ring:

Me: Nash, I need you.

Nash: I'm babysitting Sky.

Me: Nash! It's about Cameron, I am at his house because I felt that something was wrong and something is, I don't know what to do!

Nash: Oh my God! I will be right over. *He calls Skylynn over and I hear them heading outside*

*Line goes dead*

I hear him pull up a few minutes later and then he bursts inside. I hear little feet behind him. I run to meet him in the hallway and tell him that I will take Sky, I don't want her to see Cam like this. I take her downstairs, and flip on Disney Channel for her. I tell her to sit still and then run back upstairs. I hear talking and then I hear Nash call me, "Hey, Jordan! Come up here a sec." I head into his room. "What?" I ask. "We are going to get him downstairs, help me?" Nash says, so we take Cameron's arms and lead him down the steps. We set him on the couch and decide to get him food. He looks more alive now, at least he's talking. I decide to make him chicken enchiladas so he can at least recover with his favorite food. I walk over to him and hand him the plate. He smiles at me and then I smile back. He seems okay, I turn on a movie, Sky is kinda upset because 'her show' had come on and I sit next to Cam with Nash on my left and Skylynn next to Nash. We watch Netflix, basically whatever Sky wanted. I looked over at Cam and he seems okay. Nash tries to kiss me, but I stop him, the reason Cameron was depressed was because if me and Nash. We sit and watch this cartoon Barbie show that Sky wanted to watch and I lean against Cam. I do it because he still needs moral support and I hope it makes him feel better. Nash gives me a questioning look and I respond with an I'm-trying-to-help-cure-my-best-friend-and-nothing-is-serious-about-this look. He smiles and turns his attention back towards the screen.

*Cams POV*

She cuddled against me and I feel great, like climbing Everest great. She had made me chicken enchiladas and I can't believe she remembered from one of my videos. I close my eyes, because honestly I don't want to watch this ridiculous movie. Why do girls like this stuff? I suddenly fall into the first, peaceful sleep I have had in 3 days.


~Sorry for the short chapter, I have been busy. I will update more, but next week I am packed to the brim with things I need to do. I will try later though. This book is starting to get crappy, but I will try to bring it back up.

~Thanks for almost 100 reads. Love you guys!

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