Chapter 33

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Cameron too? Ugh. My life. I felt this thing when I kissed Cameron too, like almost fireworks. Almost. I tell myself. I felt more when I kissed Matt though. I head over to Matt's room and quietly knock on the door. He answers. "Jordan why are you..." I press my lips to his and kiss him. He backs up, but then puts his hands on my back. A sweet and simple kiss. I pull away. "Okay." I say. I begin to walk out of the room and Matt grabs my hand.

*Matthew's POV*

This is my chance. "Jordan?" I ask and she turns around. Suddenly Cameron appears at the door.

*Cameron's POV*

This is my chance. If she kissed me back...maybe we....I can't waste any time. I followed her. She was in Matt's room? I see Matt, and he looks like he's about to tell her something. He sees me and stops. Oh no.

*Matt's POV*

Oh shit. Please say Cameron doesn't ask. "Jordan." I say again. Cameron clears his throat. Jordan spins around. Damn it!

*Cameron's POV*

I can't ask her in front of Matt. His heart will be broken. "Can I talk to you...outside?" Matt looks frantic. I'm sorry bro. I actually feel bad. I take her hand and lead her to the pool on the rooftop. She looks at me. "Yeah Cam?" I feel this weird thing when she calls me that, I like it. "So." I begin. Oh great intro. "I've always liked you, ever since I met you. And I wanted to know. If its too soon it's okay, do be my girlfriend?"

*Your POV*

"Do be my girlfriend?" I hear him ask. Do I? What about Matt. No. I can't. "Yes." I say. Cameron looks relieved. "So," he says, "Since I'm your it okay to do this?" He presses his lips to mine and I wrap my arms around him. I kiss him back and it feels right. We kiss a short, passionate kiss and then we break apart. He grabs my hand and leads me back downstairs.

*Cameron's POV*

Finally. She said yes and I felt so relieved and happy. I got the girl.

*Matthew's POV*

I saw the whole thing. She said yes. Immediately after kissing me she said yes to him. I'm not mad, I knew her heart had always belonged to someone else. I loved her though.

Love. Love is a strange word isn't it?

Love, it's when you're willing to do anything to make that person happy, always wanting to be around that person, that person makes you feel amazing.

Love, is an amazing, cruel and complicated thing. Sometimes is can be happy, free, always perfect. Sometimes it can be devastating, complicated, heart wrenching.

You know you've found the one when you realize how much you enjoy this persons company, would do anything for this person, you always know when they're someone special. You can realize it at the right time, or too late.

Sometimes, when life throws so much at you, you wish that things could go back to the way they were. Even though they never will.

It hurts when you realize that the person you love is someone else's. Not yours.

I know I've found my one and only.

The question is, how do I get her back?

*Your POV*

Cameron offers me a piggyback ride for the way back to my room. We race down the hall, me squealing. It's about 7 now, no one is asleep. We have the whole floor to ourselves cuz the fans will find us and we don't want random people getting rampaged. Someone's door is open and we race past their rooms. Cameron runs into my room and throws me on the bed. He then climbs next to me and starts to tickle me. "Cameron!" I squeal, laughing. "Stop!" That makes him do it more. I slap at his hands to get him to stop. He lets go of me and flops next to me. I like this. Nash would never do this to me. I like Cameron's piggy back rides and his tickle fights no matter how weird that sounds. I love this. I can't believe I missed out on such a great guy. I sit up and look at Cameron. I quickly press my lips to his and we kiss. Just a sweet, simple kiss. We break apart and Cameron gets a call on his phone. "Hey babe. My mom called me. Hold on." He exits the room and I sit on the bed.

I hear footsteps and see Matthew enter the room. "Hi." He says quietly. "Hey Matt." I answer. "Listen." He says, shutting the door. "I just want to say something okay?" I nod. "I have always loved you. Okay? Always. And seeing you with Nash sometimes made me upset. Seeing you with Cameron is different. I just...I want you to be happy. I do. I'm perfectly fine with being friends. I just, I hope you chose right. And if you ever need me, I'm always here for you. Remember that." He gets up and leaves. I think of what he just said. "I have always loved you." I feel a pang in my chest. Always? I think of all the moments we've had and realize there has been some actual love behind everything. Do I love Matt? Do I? I think I do.

Do I love Cameron? Do I? I think I do. Who do I choose? I don't know.

*Nash's POV*

I saw them running by my room in the hallway. So, it's Jordan and Cameron now. Literally 5 hours after we break up? That's some sort of record. Ugh I just can't believe she dumped me in front of everyone. I was being an asshole to Matt though, her best friend. I was showing him that she was mine, but I guess not anymore. Ugh. I hate life. She looked so happy. Honestly, it made me feel good to see her happy. I get the sneaking suspicion she never truly loved me. Maybe she thought she did, but in her heart she didn't. Who did she truly belong too? I don't know.

Do you know how painful it is to love someone, knowing they never or will never love back?

Do you know how hard it is too see that person happy with someone else, knowing that you aren't with them?

Do you know how easy it is to watch that person and wish everything was the way it was?

Do you know how frustrating it is to miss that person every moment they are gone?

Do you know how difficult it is to listen to them laugh, see them smile, see them happy, and know you weren't the cause of it?

Do you know how heartbreaking it is to love someone who belongs to someone else?

*Your POV*

Do you know how nice it feels, to know what love is?

Do you know how easy it is to love someone?

Love is easy.

Love is difficult.

Love is simple.

Love is complicated.

Love is strong.

Love is true.

Love is beauty in itself.

Love is happiness.

Love is well being.


It's not all its cracked up to be.

People portray it as some wonderful, never flawed thing that is so amazing that nothing ever goes wrong.

It is wonderful and is amazing, but things go wrong.

But once you realized who the one know how easy love can be.

But what is really love?


Woah. We've been thinking some deep thoughts here.

Sorry for the short chapter! I'm trying to get it all in before I go to Florida!

Wanted to give it a try. I'm ending this book soon by the way. Give it a few more chapters. I am going to write a big epilogue at the end.

Thank you guys for 1K reads again, you're the best.

So Cameron huh? Never thought him huh?

• Love you guys~ Devon

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