Chapter 21

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I can't stop smiling. Touring. With. Magcon. I think of all the fans, hanging out with the guys. Mahogany will be there too! I am so excited. I walk around my room, packing everything I will need for the next week. Throwing a shirt in here, a hat there, a pair of sunglasses over here shorts there. First stop Toronto. Two weeks after today, I will be in Florida. I smile and start singing. I turn on my phone and go on Vine. "Hey guys, I'm going to be touring with Magcon! First stop Toronto." I smile and the Vine ends. I quickly upload it and triple check my outfits and accessories. I walk around my room and then remember. I need my purse and charger. I race to get them and I sit on my bed. My phone lights up and I see Nash's face on the screen. I answer it with a smile.

Nash: Hey babe, ready for our flight?

Me: Tomorrow right?

Nash: Nope, today. It's Sunday remember?


Nash: Haha! Don't worry, you still have another two hours. I'm heading over to your house, we can hang out.

Me: *smiles* Okay.

Me: Oh my God, I don't have a passport.

Nash: Don't worry, my manager had it all taken care of.

Nash: Okay sweetie, see ya soon.

Me: Bye.

Nash: Bye.

I pack everything up into nice, neat piles and put it in the suitcase. Toronto, Canada. I don't really know who all is going, I only know Cameron, Nash, Mahogany, Shawn, and Jack and Jack. Nash says there's more people so I don't know who else is going. I hear the doorbell and run downstairs, taking the steps 2 at a time. I open the door and Nash stands there holding a simple rose. I smile and take it, then I kiss him lightly on the cheek. He walks in holding his suitcase, "Woah." I say, "I thought you were just coming to hang out." He smiles, "Nope, I am driving you to the airport. I've already cleared it with your parents." I nod and hug him. I'm glad I am riding with Nash, more us time. We walk upstairs and watch a TV show, we have to be at the airport soon and it takes an hour to get there. He gets up and picks up his suitcase, then he grabs mine. "Nash you don't ha..." I start but he flashes me a killer smile and says, "I'm just being polite." then walks downstairs. I follow him outside and watch him put my suitcases into the trunk. Then, we drive to the airport. I put my hand on the armrest and he takes it, just like our date a few months before. We talk about Magcon and what it is like and what happens there and before I know it we are at the airport. I get out my bags and wheel them in, while holding Nash's hand. We go through check in and Nash hands me my passport. I check in, go through security and walk towards the plane with Nash a few steps in front of me. We get in and I smile. "Is this a private jet?" Nash smiles and nods. I start to get excited. Now, I will get to know everyone. I get on the plane and put my baggage into the compartments. I turn to get a good look at everyone. They're all deep in conversation with each other. Then, I spot a dirty blonde, with sun glasses and a tank top sitting on his phone. Matt. I didn't know he was in Magcon. I walk towards him and say, "Matthew Lee Espinosa, you didn't give your sister a hug." He looks up and smiles. "Hey!" He exclaims, and wraps his arms around me. "I didn't know." He says, "Why did you come?' He has a happy look on his face. "According to Nash," I say, "I'm a good singer." He laughs and says, "I'm sure you are. You'll do great with Shawn." He points across the plane to a cute boy holding a guitar case. He is laughing with a familiar looking boy. Carter. I walk over and introduce myself to Shawn and explain I will be singing with him. Carter waits until I am done then hugs me,"So." He says in my ear," You're a singer?" I laugh and nod, we break away and I go to find Mahogany. She doesn't know I will be in Magcon yet.

She sits alone and looks out the window. At first I think she's upset, but then she starts moving and I realize she has earphones in. I smile and walk over to her seat and sit down next to her. It takes a couple of minutes for her to look over and see me, but when she does she hugs me harder than I have ever been hugged. "Finally!" She exclaims, "I won't be the ONLY girl!" I laugh and hug her back. Nash walks down the aisle and leans over my head and whispers, "The flight attendant said we will be leaving soon." I nod, then grab his chin and kiss him lightly on the lips. Nash walks back to sit with Matt. Mahogany looks impressed. She nods her head and says, "You and Nash huh?" I blush, then nod. She smiles, showing her perfect white teeth. "You guys are adorable. How long has this..." She gestures towards me and Nash, "Been going on?" I smile and say shyly, "11 months." She widens her eyes,"You didn't tell me?" I look at her, "I thought I did." She laughs and then looks out the window. The intercom comes on :

Ladies and gentleman we will be leaving the runway shortly. Please, no electronics until notified. You may move when the plane is in the air. Thank you and enjoy your flight.

I smile. This is it. A whole new style of life, hotels, planes, fans. I can't wait to get started. Mahogany looks at me and says, "You know, since I was the only girl, I was stuck in a room with a boy. It was awful, they're so messy. Since you're here though, we will be roommates." I smile at the thought. "So," I ask her," How long do we stay before we leave?" She takes a breath, "Well, we usually get the day after we arrive all to ourselves, to unpack and explore. Then, it's Magcon, Magcon, Magcon until Monday. That's another free day. We leave Tuesday morning. With Magcon, it starts about 12 pm and ends at about 5ish. That's Magcon in a nutshell. We always hang out after." I thank her for the information and put everything into my phone. We talk until we are about halfway through the flight, then Nash approaches. There's a seat next to me and I look at him. He asks, "Can I sit here?" I look at Mahogany and she nods. I tell him yes and he sits down and cups his hand in mine. The intercom comes on:

You are free to use electronics now. We will be landing in 1 hour. Thank you for your cooperation.

Mahogany pulls out her phone and demands a selfie with Nash and I in it. We take one and she uploads it to Instagram. I put my head on Nash's shoulder. I hear rain begin to drum on the top of the plane, it comes down harder, fast. A song my dad used to listen to echoes in my head:

Oh I love a rainy night

I love a rainy night

I love to hear the thunder

Watch the lighting as it lights up the sky

In the moonlight shadows

I love a rainy night

Such a beautiful sight

I love to feel the rain on my face

Taste the rain on my lips

You know it makes me feel good

Showers wash all my cares away

I wake up to a sunny day

Yes I love a rainy night.......

I listen to that song in my head until I realize I'm asleep. I'm in that zone where I can still think, but my eyes are closed and I can't hear anything around me. I awake when Nash shakes me. "We're here." I look out the window and see Toronto. It's beautiful. We land as the intercom comes on, but I don't listen. I find that Nash's arm was wrapped around me and I smile. He's so protective, I love him. I get up to get my luggage, but he's already gotten it for me, that amazing guy. I walk out drowsy, but am suddenly awake when the crisp air hits me. I sigh, and take in the view.


I have a few good ideas for the next couple chapters 😉

Hope you guys enjoy the book so far!)

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