Chapter 42

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*Your POV*

I wake up, I guess I fell asleep on the bed. I don't feel like facing the day. I hear a knock and Matt comes in, holding a tray of food. "Hey." He says and hands the tray to me. He sits next to me and I grin as he wraps his arm around me. He takes out his phone and goes onto Vine. He opens the camera, "No!" I say, ducking. "I look awful." Matt laughs, "No. You look perfect." His cheeks then turn red and I smile. He gets up, "Well." Matt says, "I will leave you to do that girly stuff." I smile and he exits. I suddenly think of Cameron. Oh my god I didn't go to the date he planned. I immediately feel awful as I eat.

After I'm done, I quickly do my hair an get dressed and race downstairs. I see Cam on the couch and I rush over to him. "Cam! I'm so sorry I missed the date! I closed my eyes and I fell asleep and I'm sorry." I tell him, quickly. He laughs and then takes my hand. "Nah it's okay. The guys and us were going to the amusement park. Wanna come?" I nod, ecstatically. "Hell yes! Lets go ride some hella fun coasters!"

We all pile in the car and ride to the park. I am in between Matt and Cameron. I look around. Carter is telling some joke to Cameron, Shawn is humming under his breath, Matt and Aaron are talking about something, Jack and Jack are watching Vines, Taylor is on his phone, Nash is crammed in the back not talking, Hayes is talking to Mahogany...I realize how content I am with them. We are like family.

I smile, I love the closeness of us. I love how we are easily brother and sister. I love how positively happy we are. I listen to the radio and everyone starts to sing. "Making my way downtown, walking fast, faces pass and I'm home bound!" We basically half scream half sing as we jam out. It's gets to a part and Cameron turns to me and points at me, "DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH! AND I NEED YOU!" He sings and I blush and kiss his cheek.

*Nash's POV*

"DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH! AND I NEED YOU!" Cam sings and points to her. Duh duh duh duh duh duh and I miss you. I sing softly as I watch her kiss his cheek. I turn, I can't watch anymore.

*Your POV*

We pull up to the park and we all hop out. "Hell yeah!" Taylor screams and runs around us in circles. I laugh at his enthusiasm and grab Cameron's hand. Matt is on my other side, and he turns and grins at me.

We get in the park and the guys take off running. We have those little 'Get ahead of the line' passes. Cameron pulls me to the gigantic coaster and I laugh. We go to the front of the line and we sit in a car next to each other. "Welcome to the Dragon."

Btw this is a made up park and there's made up rides, and since I'm a PA girl I only know some PA parks so I'm kind of basing it off of the theme parks here okay bye:)}

The lady's voice says as we buckle in. She goes over the safety rules and all that and then we go off. We start a slow incline to the top. It keeps going, farther and farther. We have to be at least 200 feet up by now. Then the roller coaster stops. Cameron laughs. "Dallas." I say as I look down, "What's up with iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-" I scream as the roller coaster drops. It goes through a loop and I start laughing. "Haha!" Cam shrieks as we ride. When we are done we get off the ride.

"That was awesome!" I say as we walk back to the guys. Cameron smiles, and I turn to him, "What?" He giggles, "Your hair." I pull out my phone and see my hair blown everywhere. I smile as I fix it. "What about yours Cam?" I laugh as I start to mess up his hair. I chase cam around the park, trying to mess up his 'weave.' I run into some people I have been looking for, literally. "Woah there." Taylor says as he holds my arms, preventing me from falling back. I smile, "Oh hey! We were looking for you. Sorry Taylor." I say, running my hands through my hair. I back up and then Cameron jogs over. "Hey guys." He says, smiling. Matt looks over at something and shrieks, "LETS GO PET TIGERS!" I laugh as he takes off, towards the tiger pen. We follow him to the entrance and one of the keepers lets us in.

Matt rushes over to a baby tiger and I smile. "Hey, Jordan." he says pointing to me, "Take a picture." I nod and he tosses me his phone. I snap a picture of him holding a baby bottle up to the tiger. I smile at it, it's a keeper. We all get our chance to feed the tiger. I grin at how soft its fur is. Cameron grins, "Awe he likes you." I cradle him in my arms as he curls up. He's just like a kitten. I smile at the cub. Cameron walks behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. I chuckle at us and then hand the baby tiger back to the keeper. She smiles at me, "You guys...are perfect." I grin, and I see Nash scowl. I feel angry, why is he so fucking jealous. If he wanted to keep me, why would he act like such a dick? I turn to Cameron and peck him on the lips. Cam smiles, showing his perfect white teeth. I notice Matt, who stands awkwardly to the side. I look over at him and grin. He smiles back and then I turn back to Cam. "Where to now?" I ask and he spins 360°. "I dunno." He says as he looks around the park more. His eyes go wide and he points to a huge roller coaster. "That one." I gape at it, it easily goes up 300 feet. "Uhm?" Is all I can manage. Matt giggles, "Awe, is she afraid of a little coaster?" I flip him off and he laughs his cute high-pitched laugh. We all walk towards it.

We get in and I feel nervous. Matt is on my left and Cameron is on my right. I cuddle against Cam and hold on as the ride takes off. He wraps his arm protectively around my waist. "Don't worry." He mumbles into my hair as we incline towards the top, "I will keep you safe." I begin to relax a little. As we reach the peak, I get a glimpse of the whole park before we descent into darkness. We go through a tunnel and begin spiraling down the hill. I shriek and Cameron yells in delight. "WOO HOO!" He screams as I scream out of terror. "YEET!" Nash woots. "COCK!" Taylor shouts and I laugh, momentarily forgetting the giant hill we are about to go down. We plummet. I feel my stomach drop, I love this feeling. I feel Matt grab my hand and throw it up in the air next to his. I stick my hands up and so does Cam. We yell until we get to the end.

I grin as I try to fix my mess of hair. I hold on to Cameron's hand as we walk over to the cotton candy food area. We get our candy and then I feel a raindrop. Then several raindrops. It soon begins to downpour, people fleeing from the rain. We run as fast as we can towards the car. Cameron looks over towards me, trips and falls in a puddle. "DAMN IT!" He shouts, and I hear it echo. I laugh and grab his hand and yank him back up. He laughs and I hear it begin to thunder. I watch as lighting hits the earth, followed by a clap of thunder. Cameron pulls me towards the car and I notice I'm drenched. Cameron is covered in dirt and water. I smile and we run back towards the car. We get in and everyone scoots away from us. I roll my eyes and wring out my shirt. Water drips from my hair to the floor and seat and Cameron takes my hand. We ride like this the rest of the way home.

When we pull up to the house, I go upstairs with Cam. We walk into my room and he sits on my bed. "Uh uh." I say, wagging my finger at him, "You're soaked." He grins and stands up. "I'm going to go get you something dry to wear." I tell him and walk into his room. I grab a tee shirt and sweats and walk back into my room. He grins and pulls off his shirt to change. I go to turn away, but he takes his hand and spins me towards him. He presses me up against his bare chest and I try not to smile. He slowly connects our lips. We kiss for a little, I rest my hands on his neck and he sets his hands on my waist. He begins to deepen the kiss. I comply. He pulls me up tighter against him and I take my hands and run them through his sopping wet hair. He begins to sit down and I go onto his lap. We makeout for a little while more...

I lay down next to him, his shirt lost on the floor. He pulls me closer to him and I smile. He wraps his arm around me and rests his head on the pillow right above mine. "I love you." He mutters and I feel butterflies. "I love you too." I say to him and we close our eyes.




A/N: Well that was the chapter. Short and sweet! I'm wrapping this up soon, so comment who you want the ship to end up being. Love ya guys!



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