The end.

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Hey guys, for those of you that didn't know, I'm quitting the book. I'm sorry, I know I promised to finish it, but I can't bring myself to. This is the ending that I didn't want to post until I tied up loose ends, but you guys deserve this. One last hurrah for the drunk giraffe. I love you guys, and I am so, so sorry.

"Sawyer!" I say, laughing as I chase our little boy around the first floor. He weaves around chairs and tables and his toys faster than I can fathom. "Honey!" I yell as he laughs, "Help me!" He simply cracks up, and tosses down his pencil on the book stack. "Rawr!" Sawyer calls as he puts up his arms like a dinosaur. He walks over and picks up our little boy. "Awe, you're gonna be just like daddy!" He says, and mocks his own dinosaur noise. "Mommy!" Sawyer calls and he hands him over to me. I hold Sawyer against my hip and I glance over at my husband. "I love you." He says quietly, as Sawyer giggles. "I love you too Matthew."









Thank you guys for the wonderful journey this book has brought me through. I've become such a better writer and so more creative and I can't wait to write more fanfics or even real books. Thank you guys for being a part in Magcon Boys!






I recall everything that happened in the past 12 years. Cameron and I didn't work out, it kinda just fell apart. I really thought he was the one, but Matthew was who I really belonged to. Jack and Jack have their own music career and so does Shawn. They're blowing up everywhere, and I am so proud of them. Carter is working for a clothing company I think, and Nash and Cameron have become actors on the big screens. Aaron is working as a CEO in his own business company. Taylor does basically whatever, I mean, he tours, he sells merch still, he makes videos. Even though I haven't talked to JC in a very long time, O2L is really successful.






I call up the Magcon Boys and decide to make a little get together. I call each of them and tell them to bring their kids if they have them and drinks. They all are coming, so I get the house ready with Matthew. I put on a black beanie with jeans and a tank top (I'm 28, I still have my style) and Matt puts on a regular white shirt with maroon jeans. I quickly organize the house and Matthew does any additional cleaning/looking after Sawyer. That kid is a handful. I smile as I set the food onto the table, basically just snacks. I glance around, and see everything is in order. We live in a decent house near the city, three floors and a beautiful yard. I grin as I open the windows to let light in. Matthew approaches, and kisses me on the cheek. I spin around and plant a kiss on his lips and he holds me. When we part I look around, "Where's Sawyer?!" I ask and Matt furrows his brow. "I thought he was with you?" I shake my head, "No! Sawyer!" I call and we start looking for him. "Sawyer!" I hear a giggle and a crunch and look under the kitchen table. Sawyer giggles and stuffs his face with snacks from the table. I groan and pull him out, "Sawyer. Don't do that to mommy." He smiles and hugs my neck. "Awe baby I love you too." I set him down, and Matthew crouches, opening his arms for Sawyer to run into. Sawyer chargers full speed into Matt's arms and Matthew smiles. He picks him up and flips Sawyer onto his back. Sawyer squeals and Matthew carries him until I see a car pull up. "Oh my god! It's Mahogany!" I scream. She works in the music business, making videos and such. I run out and give her a big hug. I let go of her and my kid runs out, and stops when he sees her. "Mommy?" He asks and Mahogany bends down. "Jordan! Is this your kid?" I smile and nod, proudly. "Awe isn't he the cutest!" She gushes and I laugh. "Hi! I'm Mahogany!" She teaches him how to say her name and he figures it out. I smile, "This is Aunt Mahogany!" Mahogany looked so happy when I said that. Jacob comes out and I introduce him to Sawyer. More cars pull up and I smile as I greet the next Magcon boy to show up, Cameron. "Cam!" I say and hug him. He holds me tight and then he pulls away. "Are you and Matt doing alright?" I nod, "Perfect. Any ki-" "Daddy?" A little girl who looks exactly like him grips his leg. Like, if Cameron was a girl, this would be him. I widen my eyes in excitement. "Oh my gosh! What's your name?" She hides behind Cameron's legs, "Grace. My wife picked it out. She can't come, she isn't feeling well." I nod, and bend down, "Hi Grace!" He waves and I stand back up, "Oh she'll be great friends with Sawyer." Sawyer runs out and they meet each other. I smile as they run off to play. I see another car, and I walk over. Nash exits, and he hugs me. "Jordan!" I smile and hug him back. So many greetings. "Any kids yet? A wife?" I ask and Nash shakes his head, "Haven't found someone yet." I nod, "So how's your career going?" He smiles, "Great actually. I love it on the screens." I nod, and another car pulls up and I run over. "CARTAH!" I scream and he engulfed me in a hug. "Hey sweetheart!" He says and I smile. "Hi! It's been, like, forever!" He hugs me again and puts his hands in his pockets. "Any new additions?" I ask, laughing. He shakes his head, "Nah, I'm dating a sweetheart named Maggie." I smile, and Aaron walks over. "Aaaaaaaaaarrrrrroooooonnnn!" I scream and hug him. It's been forever since I've seen these guys and wow....I've missed 'em. We chat and I hear a car playing Wildlife. It's been a while since they've come out with that song, but it is a reunion. Jack and Jack come out of the car and I smile. I hug them both and we talk for a while more before Matt comes out, holding a squirming Sawyer. "Uhm, Grace and Sawyer got into a bit of a tousle." He shouts and I roll my eyes. I walk over and collect Sawyer and Grace and balance them on my hip. "Now now. No fighting. You guys are friends remember?" Sawyer shakes his head and Grace looks like she's ready to cry. "Awe. C'mon you guys are friends!" I put emphases on the word friends because, well you know. "He hit me!" Grace cries and I glare at Sawyer. "Sawyer!" I hiss and Sawyer tries to wiggle out of my grasp. Grace begins to cry and I cuddle her closer to me, "Awe Grace don't cry!" Grace's bottom lip trembles and I sigh. "Grace c'mon. Sweetheart don't do this to me." Sawyer extends his small arm to attempt at hugging Grace. Grace smiles and I set them both back down. "Now, are you guys going to get along?" I ask and they nod, then they toddle off.

I see a familiar, expensive car and Taylor jumps out. "Aye! It's Jordan!" I smile and he hugs me tight. "Any additions?" I say, grinning and he nods. "Tay!" He says, pulling out a little boy with a red bandana. "Jordan this is my son Tay." I laugh, "He takes after the best!" Tay tugs at his red bandana, trying to pull it off. "No no!" Taylor says, fixing it, "You're gonna be just like daddy! Keep it on little guy!" I greet his wife, a beautiful redhead with piercing green eyes. Out of the car comes Shawn, holding his gorgeous new guitar. "Isn't she a beaut?" He says, patting it before setting it down to give me a bear hug. "I've missed you guys." I sigh and he nods, "Awe Jordan, we've missed you too! Hey, I heard you have a little boy!" I nod, "Yeah, lord knows where they went." Shawn laughs and walks over to where the guys have gathered, and we round up the children. We head to my backyard and I close the fence gate so Bernie and the kids won't run out. We build a bonfire and gather around it. We begin talking about life outside of Magcon, and how our lives are. It pains me to say this, that Magcon, the thing that had once brought us apart, is gone.


We have a bond. A very special bond, and those things rarely come around. We were brought together, and we clicked with each other so well, it is so special. I smile, remembering our silly little smack cams and our kisses and our truth-or-dares. The fans and the laughter and the joy these people brought unto me. This thing that we have, will never ever come around again, but it will stay with us through the end of time. And I'm so very proud to say, that I love these Magcon Boys.














And that's it. Thank you guys for the wonderful journey this book brought unto me. And honestly, I didn't want it to end. I'm gonna miss you guys lol. But seriously, have a great day and I will see you lovelies next story...........




Blblblblblblblbloooppp bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2015 ⏰

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